Tuesday Nights

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One Tuesday night, just about a year and a half ago I thought I saw something pretty strange. Ever since then, I've been pretty serious about Tuesdays. This has changed me.

Now I will tell you the story about why I always look out on Tuesdays.

I was looking up at the sky. It was 8:23 (winter daylight savings time; it was dark). I was stargazing as I usually do. It was a new moon, and it was a clear sky, absolutely perfect for stargazing. Everything was beautiful, still, and completely quiet except for the soft chirping of birds settling for the night and a plane.

Wait, is that a plane, or..., I thought.

'Nope, it's a plane,' I assured myself.

The stars were amazing and shone brilliantly that night. The sky was very still. The plane got louder as it flew above me.

Still looking up at the sky I saw a brief flash, and it left behind what was shining more brilliant than the brightest star that I could ever have seen moments before. I was shocked. Then whatever it was, dimmed and zoomed away faster than any plane or jet I've ever seen. Without a sound.

I could not comprehend anything I had just seen.

So, every Tuesday night, I still go outside and see something different, making sure if it is a plane or helicopter of some sort. Still, every Tuesday night there is always something out there, in the sky, watching... waiting.

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