A Walk Home

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It was around midnight when Allison was able to finish her shift at the diner. It was 12:30 when her car refused to work, but oh well she didn't mind all that much. The town she lived in wasn't that big, and you could easily walk it.

But still. Walking an hour to get home to her apartment would be a hassle since the lights near it had gone out a week ago and the city was delaying replacing them. She hated the dark. It had always made her feel uneasy.

'Oh suck it up,' she told herself as she held her purse and started walking. 'Time to wear those big girl pants.' The walk was going nicely; it was summer time so the air was warm but a slight breeze helped cool it down too. She had moved here a week ago from New York, so it had taken her a bit of time to adjust to everything. Like people just naturally knowing each other.

The diner was actually the nicest place the town had to eat, so on Fridays like this it was packed. Hence why she got off at midnight instead of the normal 10. Nothing here was ever 24/7. Why would they need it to be? This wasn't New York. Things were more personal. As she looked both ways about to cross the street an old Volvo pulled up. It was Trent, a everyday customer at the diner.

'It's late,' he said. She nodded. 'Yeah... Just my cars been giving me trouble...' He opened the passenger door. 'Get in I think we live in the same complex.' she smiled as she got in.

'You're a life savior.'

He drove along the road. Allison glanced towards him. 'You live with Tasha right? she works across the street at the bookstore.' He nodded. 'Yeah we dated for a bit.' Allison nodded. 'Nice girl.' Everything was going smoothly, they chatted about little things as Trent drove. Then as they pulled into the parking lot she looked at him. 'come on inside.

I got some gas money for you, I normally just carry a card and keep the bills at home.' Trent laughed. 'Thats the New yorker in you huh?' Ally nodded shyly. 'Yeah it's hard to break.' As they walked towards her door a light flickered. 'I wish they'd come on already.'

Trent shook his head. 'Nah the darks kind of nice.' Allison opened the door and Trent found himself being shoved roughly in. 'Hey now...' Allsion let out a nervous laugh. 'Sorry, I tripped. turn on the light?'

Allsion shut the door behind her as Trent looked for the light switch. As Trent turned it on he instantly wished he didn't. The light was dim, but he could see Allison standing before him her face in her hands.

It looked like she was peeling at someing on her face, and nothing was feeling right. As the figure before him looked up all he saw was blackness where eyes should of been.

It had removed the face revealing a long horse skull with no eyes. The skin of it's hand melted off like wax to reveal large claws. 'It's been so long.' It hissed. 'Since I last was able to feed.

I thought this husk wasn't going to last.' No one heard his screaming. An hour after they had gone in. Something resembling Trent was the last to leave. Getting in the car it drove off.

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