Cases of Shoedon

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I am creating this because I want to have a place to put the cases of this entity. The first three are officially documented, these are ones that have been sent to me.

1st case:


FireNinjaGAME, I find it interesting that you have created this article. I believe I have some light to shed on the subject of this creature.

It was a few months ago, back in July. I was in eighth grade. I was going with my "mutual crush" Rose. We both liked each other, and we enjoyed camping, so we thought it would be a brilliant time to chat, etc.

Rose herself was probably one of the smartest and most beautiful people I've ever known. She had blonde hair, light/pale peach colored skin, a nice green sweater she always wore, a beautiful amount of intelligence that went behind it, and she was someone I loved.

Forgive me for ranting, I need to get to the point.

It was the first night of the week-long campout that we started to notice things were not right. Trees had cryptic markings that did indeed read "Shoedon" but we figured that since it was a popular campout site, someone had just pulled a prank. During the night we heard odd howling that seemed to be in reverse. And Rose couldn't sleep. She said she was incredibly fearful for something she didn't know. I comforted her. I didn't sleep because I didn't want to be rude. I thought she was just having nightmares.

The second day didn't go well either. Rose, due to her lack of sleep, probably almost fell down a ravine or a canyon or a cliff twice. She could barely move, but this was understandable with the lack of sleep she had (though it does seem the effects were heavier on her than on me). She asked to stay at the campsite for the next day if she still couldn't sleep, and the camp leader said yes.

The second night was worse. The howling seemed to be very near, drawing nearer. The camp leader told us to stay still and quiet, but something drove me out of the tent. I saw them. Creatures that looked human with sewn faces. They looked at me, and disappeared in a blink. I was now sufficiently creeped out. I told Rose, and she became even more scared. She simply crawled under the covers, shaking to herself. I felt horrible. I tried to comfort her but it would not work.

The third day was not important, Rose stayed at the campground because she could barely move. It was important because of the return to the campground.

I saw it first, being ahead of the group. The entire place had been destroyed, like a manhunt or something. I saw it. Our tent had been torn into, and I could see blood on the edges of our white tent. I went to run over there. All there was in our tent was a note from Rose:

"They're looking for something. I think they are looking for me. I'm sorry I couldn't come with you. I tried to yell but nobody came back. I love you. I'm sorry."

Her body was not found, but I can see her in fear, afraid of the world, being one of the things I saw. In my mind I know that to be the truth.

Please try to spread this. I need people to know about this thing I have seen. I need them to know to be careful. And I need to tell them to never be alone.

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