See you later

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This is the diary of a man who was reported to have his face cut off by an unknown being. Police are still searching for it. If you find it, please call your local police station.

Day 1

Well, today I just bought a huge house. It looks AMAZING! I'm totally staying here for a long time, so don't expect me to move anywhere anytime soon. I looked around inside. People say another family's spirits live here, but I don't believe it.

Day 2

There seems to have been an old dusty bookcase in here. The books look interesting. Maybe I'll read them tomorrow, but for now I gotta set everything up.

Day 3

Just read one of the books in here. The story seems weird, and I can't really tell what it's about, but maybe I'll understand it later.

Day 4

I noticed today that there is a stairway that goes up to a second floor. Strange, I never noticed anything about another floor being in the house. Oh well.

Day 5

Uh, okay now this is weird. I had just found a bone inside the garage that wasn't there before. It looks inhuman. i'll investigate it later.

Day 6

What the hell? I saw something run past my window last night, and I took a photo of it right when it passed the window. Now this is creepy, a little TOO creepy.

Day 7

Now I'm having nightmares about something that has razor sharp claws, and it looks like the thing from yesterday night.

Day 8

Oh shit, it's inside the house. I'm upstairs, in the closet. It's gonna find me, I'm gonna die.

(The rest of the diary is covered in blood)

There is evidence of the creature that had killed the man, His name is unknown, All we know is that it is something with "Razor Sharp Claws".

See you later, Rake.

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