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It was summer vacation for me, and I enjoyed every moment of freedom that I had after a grueling junior year of high school. After watching this adventure movie featuring a chosen hero fighting a dark overlord, I did what most people do after viewing a movie; go on Wikipedia and search for the movie's article and find out what happened during that one scene, or what was that guy talking about.

As I read about the movie, I found myself in the maze of articles that leaves the reader learning not only about what they searched for, but knowing about "development hell" or a certain breed of coyote. On this certain visit, I found myself learning about philosophy.

I admit to skimming through metaphysics and the like, but I found a certain interest in how people debate the meaning of "good" and "evil". I started to think about the meaning of values while looking at certain philosophers and their beliefs until I looked at the time.

It was 2 A.M., and I needed to get to sleep. I decided to peruse one last article about a certain philosopher named Charles Groviche who proclaimed that our "goods" and "evils" are incorrect, as they embrace humanity's limited knowledge of the world.

He argued that our morals are useful in a solitary existence, but he suspected that there were more beings than just us. He stated that our simple minds would not be able to comprehend what is right and wrong, unless we had help. There was nothing else other than the paragraphs describing his main points of his philosophy, which I found to be odd.

I laughed as I read the entire article. I questioned how a guy believed in aliens knowing a better way to live regarding how we should treat others, and how he had a name in philosophy. What would these aliens say? Would they declare our idea of not hurting others to be ineffective, and praise hopping on pogo sticks to be morally good? As I thought about it more, I realized that Groviche was just providing another theory to think about. We don't know everything after all, so why act as if we did?

After I climbed into my bed and closed my eyes, I started to think about Groviche. I didn't fully understand what he meant, but I started to wonder if being "good" was not good at all. Before I dozed off, the picture of Groviche from the wiki page popped in my head, and noticed what appeared to be a hint of fear in his eyes. I was too tired to think about it, and I let the embrace of sleep overcome me.

I woke up groggily the next morning, and I tried to remember what I did the previous day. After perusing my mind, the memories of scenes from the movie came up in my head, and also my lesson in philosophy floated to the top. I decided to read more of what I read the previous night, and checked my browser history to pick up where I left off. I found Groviche's name, and clicked the link. Oddly enough, the page wouldn't load. Being impatient, I went to Wikipedia and searched his name, but there were no results.

Typing his name into Google proved to be useless. I then pondered over what I read on the article the night before, and remembered the ideas of the philosopher. After searching "Good worshiping evil", I found only one result. I was then brought to a page consisting of only a few paragraphs. As I read, I began to grow uneasy. I felt something watching me, but a quick scan of the room showed that paranoia had taken me for a brief moment. The text was full of complicated words that I couldn't understand, so I decided to close out of the window.

My computer froze for a minute, and then it shut down. I tried restarting it, but it simply would not start up. After cursing my luck, I realized my computer was probably infected by some virus from the site I went on. I left my house, resolving to do something to get my computer off my mind, like getting pizza or playing basketball.

After a few hours, I came home, with my computer still on my mind. My mind started to try and measure the upcoming wrath that my parents would inflict on me after I told them about how my $3000 laptop got a virus. My dad would kill me since it was my fault it happened, as if I updated my anti-virus program, my computer would have been safe. I prayed to every religious deity that I knew of as I tried rebooting my computer. It miraculously started up, and I smiled as I logged in. I waited as it loaded but I jumped out of my seat as it finished, as my wallpaper had been changed to the image of Groviche I saw the day before!

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