The Kid That Everyone Feared

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You know that kid who sits in the back of the classroom with his hood up, his head down, and is always doodling or writing in his mysterious black leather book? You know the one that everyone avoids and the bullies always target? Well... Have you ever tried glancing at what he's writing in his book? No? Have you always wondered why people didn't talk to him and why they kept their distance from him?

Well... If you haven't noticed. Every kid that's ever glanced at what he was writing or doodling has gone missing and eventually been found gutted and severely tortured. If you ask any of his classmates why they avoid him, they'd probably reply with something like, "The kid looks creepy." or "The kid never looks like he wants to talk to anyone, so I figured I'd better stay out of his way." and etcetera.

Every year you attend school you learn something disturbing true about the kid that you never really wanted to know. You learn stuff, like that everyone that's ever talked to him ended up dead the next day with their tongues ripped out and their mouth sewn shut. Also, that the kids that brag about seeing what he doodled in his book ended up being the victims of vicious crime consisting of their eyes being gouged out and their body parts being dismembered and scattered throughout an old abandoned house in the middle of the woods.

I've always wondered how he could attend class without the teachers calling on him. Did the teachers secretly fear him as much as the kid that had to sit next to him? What did his parents think? The questions keep piling up, and as soon as they get close to be solved the answer disappears. The only advice I can give is to stay away from the kid and to remember curiosity killed the cat.

~The Disturbed Writer~

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