Car Wash Demon

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About a year and a half ago my friend and I were hanging out at his apartment playing some Xbox. We were pretty bored, so we decided we were going to take a bottle of Robotussin cough medicine, split it, and mix it with some 7up.

We both took fairly low doses, just enough to maybe get a little buzz; nothing crazy. So we played Guitar Hero for a while and decided we were going to leave. It had been storming all day; evening had come and it was still pretty cloudy, but not yet dark.

My friend's apartment complex has a carwash/vacuum area. You know, where you drive in and vacuum your car and just drive out the other side. It's basically a wide open garage open on both ends.

Anyways, my friend and I were walking to his car and feeling just fine. We had to walk completely around this carwash garage thing, and as we walked by the first open end I started to hear this really low rumbling kind of sound. It almost sounded like someone talking in a very low voice, but really fast. It was just kind of murmuring gibberish.

So I glanced around and I ended up looking in the far corner of this vacuum area. We were probably a good fifty feet away, but I could clearly see what looked like a grey figure kind of crouched in the corner. My friend and I just kept walking right on by, but before we cleared the first side of this car wash this thing looked up at us. It had an extremely pale face with solid white eyes. It was looking directly at us, and as soon as it turned its head up the low pitched gibberish got significantly louder.

Now I know what you're thinking, 'You were on drugs you don't have any idea what you're talking about.' Normally I'd agree with you. Honestly that was my first thought, too. I thought I must be tripping out or something, and I completely ignored it and kept walking.

As we rounded the side of the carwash we had to pass on the other side to get to my friends car. As we walked past the other side I could hear the strange low gibberish again. We glanced into the vacuum area again and once again I could see this grey figure, this time in the opposite corner. This time it was standing, but kind of hunched over and looking at the ground like before. It stood probably about five and a half feet tall.

This time while we were about at the center of this area my friend and I both stopped, just looking at this thing. We looked at each other and confirmed that we were both hearing and seeing the same thing. I would have thought I was seeing things if my friend didn't tell me exactly what he saw and heard, matching exactly what I was seeing. Suddenly this thing turned its head up at us again, and again the sound coming from it intensified significantly.

My friend immediately bolted for his car, which wasn't too far away at this point. I took off after him, not looking back. We jumped into his car and locked the doors. We sat there for a minute, trying to make sense of what just happened. Then my friend just started shouting and pointing at his drivers side mirror. I could see this thing's piercing white eyes and pale face look in the mirror from the backside of the car. Then, it disappeared in maybe a second or two. We were terrified.

For some reason my friend felt brave and he opened his door and inspected around the car for about a minute. Then, he told me to follow him and we ran back into his apartment. Now, my friend lives alone, and when we got back into his room we shut all the window shades. In his room we found his Xbox torn out of the wall with the disc tray ripped open and his games' discs on the floor.

We put it all back together and then for the next several hours we would hear a soft tapping or scratching on the windows of his bedroom. We were far too terrified to pull back the blinds, and he lives on the third floor of this apartment. So, we know nobody could be messing with us. This was probably the scariest experience of my life.

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