The Forest Near My Home

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I had finished my dinner and I was ready to take another walk in the forest near my home. Oh, how I used love the autumn breeze flowing against my hair, Seeing all the gorgeous leafs on the trees as I walk by, and the mirror like lake I would go fishing in. Well, those were the good days. Now they mean simply nothing to me anymore.

Now I was far into the path, standing beside the lake. I saw some red mushy thing laying in the water and decided to pick it up. After looking at it for a while, I realized it was somebody's body part. I screamed, and dropped the body part immediately. At this point I turned around, and started to run home... but then I crashed into some girl my age... and she was all covered in pure red blood.

She reached for her pocket and pulled out a knife, and then the girl gave a demonic smile. She then tried to stab me, but I rolled out from under her just in time. I kicked her and then I ran as fast as I could possibly run... and around 10 minutes later, I found myself standing at my front door... shaking in fear waiting for my death to come.

I opened the door and took off my shoes, ran upstairs to my room, and sat on my bed. A tear rushed down my cheek and I wiped it away. I sat there forever, wondering what to do, but it was getting late so I went to bed.

The morning came and I finally had the guts to tell my mom and dad what happened to me yesterday. But then everything got worse, my mom went and grabbed her phone and called psychiatrist and arranged an appointment for next Friday. Today I finally went to school again and the reaction to my story was not what I thought it would be. All my friends at school stay away from me because they assumed I'm crazy, and think that it's going to spread like cooties. I once pretended my stomach hurt so I could go home from the stupid school early and not get embarrassed any longer.

So as fast as you know it, Friday came. I talked to the psychiatrist and he thought I was having hallucinations and subscribed me with some pills for it. Then I left and went to the pharmacy to get the pills. When I got home I hid my pills under my pillow because I knew they were not going to help me at all.

That girl made my life horrible. Now my parents think I'm some insane person with a twisted mind. I hope that one day I will find that girl and kill her on the spot. I will never ever go in the forest near my home ever again

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