Tim: The Error in Humanity

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It all began on the faithful day of September 7th 2011, my friend Mike had asked me to got to this new thing in town I had just heard about called 'Youth Group' or something. I believe, they did such activities like play games and learn about god.

Anyways I accepted his offer thinking some human contact would do me some good after all I had been cooped up in my house all weekend. When I arrived I was surprised to see most of my other friends there, maybe this was a good idea after all, or maybe not, for that was the night I met a guy named Tim. I had just bought a Pepsi from the canteen and turned around when I came face to face with him.

He wasn't exactly looking at me though he was rather looking down while standing in front of me. Instead of walking away which is what I should have done in the first place I decided to talk to him. 'Hi' I said opening up my Pepsi and taking a sip. Tim didn't seem to hear me but he was rather muttering to himself and whispering so quietly I could barely hear him. He looked up and his eyes widened a bit and finally answered 'Hello'. His voice was cold and a bit raspy but he said it in an inviting manner so I took no awareness to it at first.

'What's your name?' I had asked, he returned back to muttering to himself then said 'My name's Tim' then a smile formed at his mouth then he quickly went back to muttering and turned away as if the conversation (if that's what you want to call it) never happened.

We played games the rest of the night then it was time to pray to god at the group I looked around for Tim but he was nowhere to be found 'probably in the bathroom' I thought to myself. When it came time to leave I still didn't find Tim anywhere so I decided to see if my friend Mike knew him.

'Who?' He'd asked.

'Tim,' I said. 'You know kind of tall, brown hair, he mutters to himself I think' Mike just looked at me as if I had two heads

'Um,' he started, 'you saw a guy named Tim?'

I was puzzled 'Yeees?'

Mike looked down at his shoes then looked back at me 'don't talk to him anymore alright?' He looked dead serious so I agreed out of confusion.

The next time I went to Youth Group I immediately went looking for Tim. Then I found him. He was sitting next to someone on a couch talking to them. It was a girl and it looked like she was crying. I walked over to see what the problem was, I looked at Tim he had a blank expression on his face and the girl was still crying come to think of it don't think I've seen her here before 'Is she new?' I asked. Tim looked at me with that same blank expression 'Yes' he said with a monotone to his voice.

The rest of the night went normally but the crying girl was gone and so was Tim from the place. Again I went up to Mike and asked once more who Tim was... Mike looked at me and said 'He is no one, but he is someone, he doesn't exist, but he is here, he is everywhere and he is nowhere... he is the error in humanity' I looked at Mike and opened my mouth to say something but Mike just turned and left out the church basement doors.

The next day in the newspaper the headlines read SUICIDE UNNERVES LOCALS I read the article, the person who killed themselves was identified to be the girl who was crying next to Tim. I couldn't believe it. I returned to Youth Group the next day and this time Tim was there alright, but he wasn't doing anything, he was just sitting on the couch...motionless. I had happened to bring my camera with me that night by accident and I snapped a picture of him I would look at it later as cameras were not allowed in the church.

As before we played games and prayed to god but Tim was in the room this time still sitting on the couch not even moving a millimeter. So that night I went home and reviewed the picture I took of Tim. I was horrified at what I saw, Tim was still sitting on the couch but his face... his fucking face... it was all a blur like he had been shaking his head and the camera was out of focus on it and his arms were the same.

-I hope this has been helpful to you and that you take my word as the truth I really hope you do! Because they are my last as this is my suicide note....

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