Infamous - My Sweet Cathy

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Alright, here's my story, and I just want to start off by saying, this is all true. Thank you for reading.

It was a couple of months into 2011, and I was out of video games to play. But then I remembered- The video game, Infamous, had two ways to play. So I popped the disc in and began playing.

A few levels into the game, I noticed something was off. It wasn't that I was playing as a good guy this time, it was something... disturbing. There was just a malicious tone to everyone, the sky's were darker then all the other times, and people were dying on the street as if I zapped them. I hadn't done anything.

Though that gave me the chills, here was the most unsettling - a man in a black suit, almost like a mob boss, would always stop and have the side mission symbol over his head. So, I would go over to him, here the *whoosh* sound, but nothing else. He would just stare blankly at me. Sometimes his eyes glitched all white. The weird thing is, I don't remember his character model anywhere else.

Eventually, I got so scared that I killed him and ran away. Let me tell you, video games are much scarier than movies or books, because it feels like you that's in danger. So, I ran to this barren wasteland section of the map. I was hopping up a building, desperately trying to avoid that one guy... Well, now is where it gets good.

At the top of the building, I looked out over the entire map. Then, I jumped back in my chair and a chill went through my whole body. I hear in a muffled, forlorn voice, 'My sweet Cathy...' Being somewhat faint of heart, I shut my system off and sprinted upstairs. But that one, ominous line kept replaying in my head, as if I were trying to play it over...

Eventually, my curiosity got the best of me- I went back to the game. But I couldn't shake my constant feeling of danger. At least the mob boss character had seemed to have left the game. But now was a part I dreaded-the sewers.

I knew something crazy was going to happen. I actually got excited and tried to film it, but something in my head advised otherwise. I slowly made my way through the dark, murky sewer, and the water dripping sound effect was bugging me. In fact, I noticed that it was gradually increasing in volume...

After a short period of time, I felt like the sewer was too long. There's usually an obstacle by this point. I wanted to stop playing now, I felt extremely disturbed, but I thought it might be more of a story to tell if I kept going.

Hell, that was stupid. I finally arrived at the electric substation I needed to charge, and I hear in between the water droplets the same ominous voice mutter 'Why?'. Of course I was freaking out inside my head. I had chills, my vision was somewhat blurring up, and my hands were softly shaking. Something was going to happen, I could feel it.

I approached the substation. I was in the middle of deciding whether or not to go on, when he jumped up by himself. As usual, he leaned back and absorbed the electricity, but this time, it didn't stop. He just kept grunting in pain as it surged through him, leaning his head back and forth, back and forth...

Boom. My TV went black. The system was off, too. I put the controller down and crept away, when the TV sprang back to life. But it wasn't in the sewer. It was a blank background, and the strange man in the black suit walked slowly on screen. At this point I was scared out of my mind. Someone was hacking me, it had to be. But it felt all to real. I could hear a grown man sobbing, but the man's mouth didn't move. He kept his head down as he walked to the center. When he finally arrived I heard the whoosh noise, and then... 'Why...Cathy...'

Everything snapped back to reality. I charged the substation, ran to a save point and ran upstairs, breathing audibly. I haven't played the game in months, and I've been too scared to sell it. Whatever the hell happened I never want to play that game again. But something still bugs me... Who's Cathy?

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