Description and Exerpt

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22-year-old Selena Black has finally had enough. Enough of the small town of Gilbertsville she was raised in, a father with no sense of commitment, and the spiteful, snobbish aunt that raised her after her mother died. Ready to move on with her life, she decides to pack up and move to the Big Apple...but that's all she knows. With no income and nowhere to live in New York, Selena is introduced to 'Nicky', the homosexual diva and all his glamour and a world that she never knew existed. From Madison Ave shopping, NY clubbing and hanging with some of the city's most beautiful men to sunny walks in the park and falling in love. New York turns out to be everything Selena dreamed of and more... Will Selena finally find the life that she's always wanted in the Big Apple? Or, will the glamour cause her whole life to blow up in flames?

Excerpt :

I stumbled around the dark room bumping into several unknown objects before reaching the only cupboard in the room. There was a flashlight in here somewhere. I searched along blindly until I felt the flashlight and sighed in relief as there was a bright light shining from the end. I grabbed a light bulb and since I couldn't locate the stepladder anywhere I used an empty crate to stand on. For once I remembered to switch the light off first before changing the bulb. It was kind of hard, balancing on the old, rickety crate, holding the flash light and changing the bulb. Thank goodness the sounds from the club were slightly muffled by the distance and the walls. It was already hard enough to concentrate in my haste, I didn't need the music to add to the distraction. I was just done and ready to step off the crate when the light suddenly flashed on. I gave a short scream and felt myself falling. It was strange though, because I didn't land on the cold hard floor, there was something warm and slightly softer beneath me. And it groaned.

"Look's like I did the catching part." I peeked through tightly closed lids.

My mattress was Taylor.



Just a few quick notes about this book before you start....

* It was completed in June 2010 - that was before tablets, kindle or pastel colored hair was known in South Africa, which is where I am from.

*This book's time frame is when it was written so to most of you who are well, younger, it may seem outdated.... sorry about that.

* There will be no references to Magic Mike in this book, nor One Directions, Justin and Selena's break-up or his new ( grudgingly admitted) awesome new album. Sad but true.

* There are NO sex scenes in this book.... society these days have no more modesty so this was written for the reader to enjoy without kinky or in other people's eyes, vulgar scenes. I wanted to write something anyone could read regardless of taste, age, gender or sexuality.

*This is alight and fun read to lighten those gloomy days and hopefully make you smile, so please enjoy it and don't be afraid to comment and tell me what you liked or didn't like about some chapters.... interacting with me is encouraged and voting is extremely appreciated.

*All characters are fictional and if any one feels offended by actions, scenes or dialogues, I apologize, that is not my intention with this book...

I hope you all enjoy it very much!!



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