5 - Tantrums

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"Harry come here so I can change you. The sooner we get there, the sooner we get back home!" Louis calls out for Harry who was currently in his playroom but now sprinting into the living room. "Where we going daddy?" Harry asks curiously as he lies down so his daddy can change him. "Just to the store bug, we need to grab a few things for dinner and maybe some cookies we can eat when we watch a movie tonight."

"NiNi come too? And papa?"

"Of course bug! Now go find papa so he can put your shoes and coat on. He should be in the kitchen." Louis gently helps Harry stand up and the boy is quickly sprinting off again. "Niall, are you ready?" He asks the eight year old who is very much distracted with the iPad in his lap. "Niall?"

"Huh what?" He looks up very confused. "C'mon love, we're going to the store." Louis chuckles and ruffles his hair. "Aw man, can't I just stay home, I'm eight dad! I'm big enough!" 

"Exactly, you're eight. Talk to me in a few years." He laughs and goes to find the other two. "I'm weady daddy!" Harry points to his shoes and then his coat. "But where is your hat?" Louis pouts, "It's cold outside bug." Harry confusedly touches his head, furrowing his eyebrows. "Papa, you fowgot my hat!" He says annoyed, putting his hands on his hips making Louis laugh. That kid.

After a couple of minutes everyone was ready to leave so they could finally go to the store. "Harry, don't you wanna sit in the cart?" Louis asks, motioning to the seat in front of him as he pushed the cart along. "No daddy, I wanna walk wif papa." Louis groans, knowing how Harry gets distracted easily and it would just make it easier for everyone if he sat in the cart, but of course he wasn't going to force the kid to sit there.

"Dad, can I go look at video games or something, and then you come get me when we're ready to leave?" Niall groans; already tired of the shopping trip. "Sure thing buddy, just don't go anywhere else."

"Alright bug, do you want to chose some cookies?" Louis asks Harry and the boy starts to jump excitedly when he hears the word cookie. He drags his papa through the isle, looking at every brand. Louis put some regular chocolate chip cookies in the cart for Niall, he knows they are his favourite. After a painful ten minutes Harry finally finds some colourful packaging he likes. "Chocolate and Raspberry." Liam reads from the box. "Baby, you don't like raspberries, maybe we should pick something else?" Louis asks. "Yeah, let's put those back and pick something else." Liam tells Harry.

"Nooo, I want that one!" Harry whines. "Are you sure honey?" Harry only nods, shoving the box into Liam's hands so he can put it in the cart. Liam picks some other brand for him and Louis and they continue their shopping. Liam runs into a colleague from work that Louis recognises from the Christmas party a couple of weeks ago. As they are in deep conversation Harry quickly grows bored and manages to slip his hand from Liam's and he starts to wander around the store. Much to his enjoyment he finds the toy isle and quickly spots the cutes, most fluffy stuffed animal. He runs back to his daddies, clutching the stuffy in his hands. "Daddy I want that one." He holds up the toy for Louis to see.

"No baby, we only got here to get things for dinner, we're not gonna buy that now. Let's go put it back." But Harry doesn't move. He stands still with his bottom lip wobbling. "Let's go buddy." Liam picks him up to go put the toy back. "But I want it!" Harry starts to wail, loudly.

"Not now honey, calm down. Maybe we can get it later." Liam tries to soothe him but he's not having it. "I want it now!" Louis gently takes the toy from his hands and puts it back. "Nooo daddy!" Harry screams his lungs out. "Harry! Do you want time out when we get back?!" Liam says firmly. Harry only continues to wail. "I want it!"

"We can't always get things we want." Louis tries to explain. "I want it! You stuwpid!" Both men are taken aback with Harry's outburst, he has never used that kind of language.

"I'll take him to the car, you go get Niall." Liam walks out of the store with Harry in his arms, muttering about how he's in trouble and will go straight to timeout when they get home.

Harry was still wailing when they walk into the house and is immediately placed on the naughty chair in the corner of the kitchen. "Okay Harry, ten minutes!" That's ages! Harry only get's five minutes if he's being naughty. That causes the boy dramatically throw himself off the chair, "Nooo papa, I be good! Pwomise!" He wails.

"I know Harry, but you were naughty in the store so sit here for ten minutes and do not move!" Liam says sternly, placing the boy back on the chair. "If you move, we add two minutes!" And so Harry is left alone for ten minutes.

"Baby, you can come out now." Louis slowly enters the kitchen. "Daddy." Harry wails, putting his hands up for Louis to pick him up. "I sowwy daddy. I no mean to be bad." He hugs him tightly. "I know bug, you know we don't like tantrums, but you did timeout, it's over now." Louis calms him down.

"How about we get one cookie before dinner, but you can't tell papa okay?" Harry instantly nods and goes straight to his playroom with his cookie and Louis gets started on dinner.

"I don't like iiiiit." Harry wails from his playroom and Louis sighs, here we go again.

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