47 - Just Want To Be Like Liam

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"Daddy, look!" Harry proudly held up a very messily drawn picture of four figures, and a blob that must be the cat, Louis didn't know what else it could be. 

"Wow, baby. That's a very nice drawing!" The man complimented. "Maybe we should put it on the fridge, huh? So everyone can see it." 

"Yeah, I want to do it, daddy!" The boy nearly squealed, instantly rushing into the kitchen to hang the picture up by himself, recently wanting to be much more independent after seeing his twin brother do everything on his own. You'd always find the boy in either Louis' or Niall's arms, never wanting to be put down, nor did he want to dress himself and potty training took a whole year longer for Harry than it did for Liam. But recently the boy started to notice all the praises that Liam got, he sure got a lot more than Harry did. Even his grandmas were always praising Liam for some school work, successfully breaking Harry's spirits as for some reason he just wasn't as good as Liam was at school. 

They were only seven, but there was no doubt Liam was some kind of wonder when it came to academics, whilst Harry was just maybe a tad behind, but nothing that was worrying them.
"Good job, baby." Louis made sure to praise, noticing how it was affecting the boy each time Liam got a praise and he barely got one, so they made sure to praise the boy even for the littlest things as it did a great deal for Harry's confidence. 

"Thank you, daddy." The boy beamed, his smile getting even wider once his papa entered the room and Louis made sure to tell him about the picture and point out that Harry hung it on the fridge by himself. There was a little snort from Liam in the background, as he found it ridiculous that his brother would receive compliments for stupid things that a monkey could do. 

Liam didn't really behave like a child, acting so much more mature than his age that it sometimes scared the parents. He had been begging to transfer to a school that was tailored for his abilities ever since his teacher mentioned it to the parents. 

"Hey Liam, you ready to go?" 

"Go where papa?" Harry asked curiously. 

"Liam is just going to visit a school baby. We'll have so much fun here at home." Louis spoke up but the answer didn't satisfy the small boy. 

"I wanna go!" The boy piped up and Louis shot Niall a glare for not being more careful around the boy. 

"I'm sure it's fine. We can all go." Niall sent an apologetic look to Louis, and the man sighed as he went to help Harry tie his shoes and telling him repeatedly to put his coat on, which only took about twenty tries, and a further ten to get him to zip it up. 

The drive was fair bit longer than to the boy's current school, but that school started about half an hour later so it probably wouldn't change their current morning routines. The school wasn't as big as their current one, and Harry made sure to point that out as they parked the car, but Louis explained that not nearly as much kids went to that school. 

They were greeted by an elder man, dressed in a very nice suit so the family felt a bit out of place in their everyday clothes. They walked around for a while, each room amazing them even further, and the men were very glad that Liam would get this education for free as there was no way they would ever be able to pay for something like this. 

"So, Liam would be spending the majority of his time here in this hallway, as he'll be doing the science program. For his first year he will just be in these two rooms, but he'll be able to move into the chemistry and biology labs when he finishes the first year of studying." 

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