Chapter 11

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Jaime was scaring me. His sinister look was creepy and the way he stranded right in front of me was blocking my way to escape. His eyes showed how dominat he is and the fire in them told me that this won't end good. Jaime's lips were up in a smirk and his hands were loose ready to grabbed me and hurt me.

"Oh, don't be scared my little Kellin. It will hurt but in a good way. You little asshole will be stretched as my will be going in." His voice was so frightening as he in buttoned the rest of his shirts buttons. He grabbed me by my jeans hem and tried to pull them of but I struggled against him. But he success was quick and I was almost naked.

I didn't want this. This really wasn't what I wanted. But right now I wanted to be somewhere else. Somewhere safe. In Vic's arms. Maybe he will save me as he saved me from Oliver. I hoped for that.

Jaime was growling as he ran his hands roughly against my thighs and he was leaning down so he was pinning me on the bed. I started to sob.

"Don't cry. I will make you feel good." Jaime whispered in my ear. I felt his mouth start to suck on my neck really hard. There will be big bruises. He was straddling me and grinding on me. With every move he made he moaned.

"Oh baby, you feel so good." He moaned out.

"You are sick." I cried out as I was trying to fight back but he was too strong for my weak body.

"Oh no. I just really want you. And I can guarante that you will back for more."

Jaime pulled down my boxers as he exposed me. I freed my arms but he pinned them back with on hand.

"I love your body Kellin. Your skin is so pale and soft. And your ass is perfect around and those lips of yours. I can imagine when they go around my How you suck on it. Ugh... And... How..." He grined on my pe.nis ." I cum on your pretty little mouth. Just right now thinking about it makes me want to cum without doing anything."

"When you dream close your eyes, sicko." I hissed out. The sick man on top of me grabbed my member. He stoked it for some times. I didn't want his dirty hands on me. I felt really disgusting and dirty.

"No, no , no." He shook his head, but smirked down at me. "You will love my after I fuck you butt. I can bet on it. And then Vic will have to cry in the corner because his little toy will want me not him."

Just then Jaime pulled out his hard member out of him boxers and stoked it. He grabbed the lube what was on the badside table and poured on him with on hand. Some of the cold stiky gel got on me. He stoked it in. He forcefully turned me on my stomach. He spared my ass cheeks.

"Wait!" I cried out. "You will just go in?"

"Yes. You don't need prep." He just said coldly and...

My blood ran cold from my own scream. Jaime was just moving like there is no tomorrow. He didn't even let me get use to him. He just pounded in me. My body was in real pain. All I felt was pain. With every thrust he made I screamed out. But my cries, pleases and screams was muffed my Jaime's hand. My tears were running down like rivers and my voice strayed to hurt.

I had no hope left. Pain was all I thought about. I thought about the things I wanted to do in life. But nothing really come to me. My goals were ruined and my hope was gone with my soul. Nothing matters just pain.

Jaime slapped my butt.

"Oh god. Yes baby." He moaned. " You are so tight. Ugh..."

This sicko was really fucked in the head. I thought my first guest would be a gentleman how was really gay. Just like me. And would be gentle when we would have sex. But those images were gone.

Just then the door bursted open. I didn't know who ran in and ripped of Jaime from me but I heard the door slam against the wall. But did it really mattered now? Just when I hoped someone would help me I was in lot of pain. And still am. Why didn't the person come faster? Why didn't someone come when I was pleading for my life? Did it matter now?

I felt warm hands wrap around me taking me in bridal style and carrying me somewhere. My vision was blur so I didn't see the person who came too late. I didn't hate the person. At least I wasn't fucked and left in there broken and in pain.

After a minute I felt silky sheet against my naked body and the warm hands were gone. My whole world was crashing down with all of my goals and hopes for a better life. I was ra.ped. I was disgusting. I was dirty.

With my blurry vision I saw a person with brown curly hair and tan skin. Vic. I started to cry and Vic looked at me. I really didn't see how he looked like or what facial expression he was wearing now. But I felt his warm hand stoking my hair and his soft soft lips against my forehead.

"It will be okay." He whispered as I cried. "I promise."

The promises he gave me was really empty right now. I didn't believed that I will be okay someday. I was OKAY with him but not with Jaime.

"I'm so sorry baby." I heard a sniffle and I knew that it was Vic. Why was he crying? Did just got ra.ped? Was he in pain right now?

But deep down I knew that he was blaming himself for letting me go with Jaime. He was blaming himself that he didn't time in time to save me.

Soon my cries ended and Vic was kissing my forehead repeatedly. But I didn't was to talk right now. My voice was broken just like my soul and my world. And even if I could talk I would do not know what to say.

I slowly just went toghe dream world. But for me it will be a nightmare.

A/N: Yeah, hi! Um... I don't have to say anything about this chapter... *nervously laughs* That's how it goes but yeah..
Have a great day/night/morning. :)

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