Chapter 19

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It's been three months. I haven't seen my parents since Vic saved me. Vic took me back to New York after 3 days in hospital. I had a month to recover from my bruises and burnings. I had some scars but I looked the same. I'm still recovering from the things my father did. It still hurt inside that my own father could do all those horrible things. I couldn't believe myself, how could I still call him my dad. How could I still call them mom and dad?

This beatings started when I had problems in school. I was bullied and came home with bruised eye or jaw. My mother saw them and like hit me because I was too weak to go against my bullies. She tried to make me 'stronger' by hitting me but I got scared from her and I could go against my own mom. Then my father started to sexual harass me. And when I got out of the high school and got a college agreement that I can study in the college they let me go to New York. I thought I can trust them and I told them I'm gay. They flipped and told me they wont pay for my college anymore. They didn't call me anymore. I tried to get a job somewhere near the campus. I got some jobs but they gave me my payment and said I can leave. I had lot of help from Alan though. I can't even think how can I repay him.

"Hey, Kells. Wake up." I heard Alan's voice. I wasn't even sleeping. I was us thinking about things. About my fucked up life.

"I'm up." I mumbled. I got out of he warm duvet and slowly made my way to my closet. I took out band t-shirt and black skinnies. I put them on. I didn't want to fix my messy hair so I just put on a red beanie on my head. I took my bag what was full with my old school stuff. Alan and I went to our classes.

I was back in college thanks to Vic. He pays for it. Even I said that I don't want him to pay. But he said "I have loads of money I don't know where t spend, so why can't I spend it to you?" That moment I sighed at him and he smiled big at me. He made his success. And now he doesn't leave me alone. He asks me if I need anything and he buys me stuff. I don't want his money I just want him. But the bad thing for me - he isn't even my boyfriend but he acts like one. I don't plan to ask him though. If he says no? He would leave me like my parents did. And I didn't want to lose Vic. I have grown to love him. But he will never know that.

As always my classes are boring and I spend my day in a blur ill I go to The Host club. After I came back from Michigan Oliver apologized and I forgave him.

Before I left the college to go beck to Michigan I had left 5 months to study. I asked if I can study all the things I missed in those 3 weeks and they let be just study the last month and I will graduate because I'm one of the best students there. I was really proud that they called me one of the best. Even though I don't really listen in lessons. It's like I know everything they thought in lessons.

I went to The Host club after I did my homework. I went in and there was Frank decorating the big room. It was full with red and pick colored decors.

"Hey, Frank." I said and he looked at me. "The Valentine day was in February." I giggled.

"No, Kells. The theme tonight is lovers and not-so-husbands." He said as he clipped a red rose on the chair edge.

"Let me help you." I offered but he shook is head at me.

"Nope, the lover boy is waiting for you." He giggled as I blushed because he was talking about Vic. Frank nudged me towards the door. I just looked at him and went through the door. As I slowly went along the doors but soon I was in front of the familiar white double doors. I knocked three times and muffed ' come in' came from the other side the door. I opened the door. and went in. I met face by face with Vic. He smiled and leaned in and kissed me. I melted into the kiss and wrapped my arms around Vic's neck as he held my sides with his strong hands.

"Hi." He said and smiled. I sighed and just looked into his eyes. He chuckled. "Don't melt on me."

I blushed and looked away. I don't really understand Vic sometimes. He is so caring and loving when he is outside the bed. I don't complain about it. I love his side of him and I love the rough side too.

"Go on a date with me?" That caught me off guard. He... wants to take me on a date??? I looked at him with wide eyes. "Kells? Everything is okay?"

"Yes." I squeaked out.

"So... Will you go on a date with me?" He looked worried know. He might think I'm rejecting him right now.

"Yes." I squeaked out again. He smiled at me and kissed me on the lips again. But he didn't pull away. He lead me to his bed and laid me down on the silky sheets.

Vic kissed me rougher and I just couldn't resist to let out a moan against his perfect lips. Our breath was heavy but it seemed Vic didn't want to stop the make out session but I needed to take a breath. He realized that and he went to kiss my neck.

"I missed you so damn much." He mumbled against my neck.

"We met yesterday." I breathed out as he nipped on my soft skin.

"Too long for me." He grind his hips on mine and made me gasp.

"Vic," I pushed on his shoulders. He looked at me with his puppy dog eyes. He nodded and got off me. I sat next to him and cuddled in to his shoulder. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I just..." He sighed. "How about we go now?" I nodded and took is hand in mine and we went out.


This evening was the best. Vic took me to eat and we walked around the city. He took me to fancy places and led me to buy some things. I, of course , said that I don't need anything but he insisted. It was late at night when we where standing on hill and looking at New York from the top. It was beautiful. All the light where like fireflies and it was the feeling that made me to reach my head and catch them.

Vic wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me to his side. It was pretty windy out here but it didn't seem the issue. Vic was tense against me and he seemed nervous about something. I pushed myself harder against him so we keep our warmth. Vic pressed a kiss to my head and I closed my eyes so I can save this moment to myself.

"Kellin?" Vic whispered. I hummed still closed eyed.

"Please be mine?" His hot breath hit my ear. My eyes shot open and I turned my head to face him.

"Vic..." I was surprised. "Yes." I nodded and pressed my lips against his. This couldn't get even better. He asked. And now... I was his and he was mine. We spent all night talking, cuddling and laughing. And somehow I knew he is the one for me. I pray to God that we will be together forever.

A/N: Hai! :3 So here's a chapter. :) Hope You like it.

Oh I have laptop now. Yey! And now it's easier to write.

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