Chapter 18

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Vic's POV

I was searching everywhere I could. The guys helped me but no success. My hope was slowly going away. I was worried sick for Kellin. I want to see him. Its been 3 weeks already and I got nothing. But I still got Alan but he doesn't open his mouth. I called Austin in my office. He came in.

"What do you want?" Austin asked.

"Don't give me attitude." I stated.

"Okay, mom." He rolled his eyes. I sighed and put my papers down.

"I want you to ask Alan where Kellin lives, because I know he knows."

"He won't talk, Vic."

"Ask him!" I shouted. Austin jumped at my voice.

"Okay, but if he doesn't talk don't blame me." Austin turned on his heel and went out. I just want to see Kellin again.


After two hours Austin was calling me. I picked up the phone.


"Michigan. Go!" I opened my laptop and wrote the first flight to Michigan. It was in 2 hours so I quickly bought the ticket.

"Thank you. Text the address." I said in to the phone while I ran out the door l and out of the host club. I took my car and sped of to the airport.

I left my car in the car nursery (if that's the real thing...). I waited the two hours till I got in to the plane. I didn't care. I just want Kellin back. Next to me. In my arms.

My legs was shaking as the plane took off. I didn't know what to expect when I see Kellin. Maybe he will be happy or angry.


We landed. I got the address from Austin. I caught the taxi and told him the address. The drive was slow because of the traffic I was nervous. But in no time the taxi stopped next to a white two story house. I have him money got out. I didn't care I just ran to the door and knocked on it. The door opened and a old man with silver hair and lots of wrinkles. He frowned.

"What do you want?!" He yelled. I pushed pass him. I looked around.

"Where's Kellin?!" I yelled. I heard a thud upstairs. I looked at the stairs. Just as I wanted to run up the old man pushed me back but I punched him in the face. He fell back on the floor.

I ran up the stairs. I opened every door in the hall but I stopped on the door in the end of the hall. There was a body in the ground with black shaggy hair. I ran to the body and gasped. Kellin was passed out on the floor.

"Kells?" I touched his cold body. He was lit with so many bruises. Nothing really made sense to me. I thought I will find him safe and sound.

I ripped the sheet of the bed and wrapped it around Kellin's unmoving body. I took him in my arms and went downstairs. But just then the front door opened and a not so old lady came in . She looked at me and frowned.

"Who are you?" She asked me.

"None of your business. I came here to take Kellin back where he belongs." I said with disgust at her. I saw her plain eyes. They were like Kellin's but looked more older and more gray.

"No you're not!" She boomed and slammed the front door.

"I will. I called the police already." I lied. I didn't really want to make trouble with police. Her eyes widen. "And when they come her you two will be arrested because you abused your son."

The woman looked at the floor where her husband was laying. I felt Kellin shift in my hands but he didn't wake up.

"Go and don't come back!" She shouted and moved away from the door. I slowly made my way out the door. When I was out she slammed the door behind me and now I didn't know what to do. The taxi was gone and I didn't have a car. I want down the street somewhere. I needed to get Kellin to hospital. So I tried to stop some cars. Few of them just didn't stop but then a red car pulled over. I ran to that car.

The driver was a girl, I would say. She looked pretty young but not really ground. She had orange hair and bright smile.

"I'm really sorry but can you get me to hospital?" I asked in desperate voice.

"Hop in." The girl said. I sat with Kellin in back seat.

"I'm Hayley." She said. "What's your name? And uh... the boy's in your arms?"

"I'm Vic. And this is Kellin. I found him beaten up in his house, so I took him."

"Wow, okay. In like 5 minutes we will be there." Hayley smiles and turned her gaze to the road.

Few minuted later she stopped. I said big thank you and ran to the hospital's door. I ran in and started to shout help. Some nurses ran to me and asked what happened and doctors took Kellin away from me. I needed to wait. I waited and called Mike. I told him that I found Kellin and to buy me a reservation in the nearest hotel. I didn't worried about clothes. I will buy them anyway.

After the phone call I just sat there looked at the white hospital walls. I hate hospital because if you where here that meant that someone is hurt or someone was dying. And now Kellin was here. I want to heal him and say him that I'm here for him. He isn't alone in this world.

In like 3 hours I heard nothing about Kellin. But just when I lost all hope doctor came to me. He sat next to me in the plastic chair.

"Kellin Quinn right?" He asked and I nodded. "Well, he is okay. But he is really traumatized. He has so many cuts and burnings. I think the worst part is that he has damaged anal. It looks like he had had sex with out lube. But we can fix it."

That old sicko damaged my Kellin! I was fuming with anger. I would get back and beat him up more. But then tears welled up in my eyes. My poor Kellin, he had to go through so much.

"Is there anything else?" I asked.

"Not really, but he have to stay here like 3 days so he came recover a little bit for free. But after 3 days the staying is for a price."

"It doesn't matter . I just want Kellin to be safe and healed." The doctor nodded and handed me a paper where I filled Kellin's personal data and my own as I brought him here.

A/N: Hai! :3 Sorry for not updating. I have lost day count. I don't really remember then I lat updated. But its okay. xD
So my cat died and I was really shocked. :( But everything is okay. So hope you liked this chapter.

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