Thorin Imagine: Healer. Part Fourteen

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(Y/N) awoke in the early hours of the morning, an icy sweat accumulating on the small of her back caused her lengthy strands of hair stick to her skin and slide about uncomfortably. She reached to the bead on the braid by her shoulder as it seemed to be a comfort to feel the cold metal in her slender fingers when she was agitated. The healer had been dreaming of the terrifying moment that Thorin had run into the halls after Mr Baggins, sword drawn and a scowl set upon his handsome face. Only instead, when the king had delved into the doorway, he belatedly realised that he entered no door at all but a trick by Smaug and Thorin had charged right into the mouth of the beast. (Y/N) had screamed out his name repeatedly but it was too late. The dragon turned to the company and spat out the dwarf kings key that he had used to open the hidden door, and it had landed by her feet with a thump as she shrieked and sat up sharply from her turbulent slumber.

It had taken (Y/N) several moments to remember that she had been allowed to rest in one of the royal chambers high up in Erebor and that she had fallen asleep in a stone bed filled with dusty furs and rigid sheets. The girl instinctively reached her fingers out to her left as she felt for a strong, warm hand or a thick lock of dwarven hair, but instead found herself alone in the darkened room and pouted to herself dejectedly. Thorin had said that now they were to stay here it would not be proper to share a bed until a marriage had taken place. He had looked severely disappointed when he told her this, only for the fact that they both felt safer sleeping beside one another and it felt unnatural for the pair to be separated. (Y/N) was rather upset by it, but remembered that Thorin was now the king and everything had to be done by the book.

The room (Y/N) had been placed in was pitch black and extremely cold. A small fire had been burning in a grandiose marble hearth but it had long since run out, and only the dismal glow of fading embers gave off any light. The stone walls held an airy chill as she sat up from the bed slowly, pulling at a thin cotton blanket to wrap around her arms. As she had started to move, however, the healer heard a quiet shuffling in the corner of the room and grabbed at a dagger in panic.

"Is anyone there?" She whispered lightly, jabbing blindly into the dark with her blade.

"I am sorry to disturb you-" rumbled out a deep, delicious voice. "-I did not mean to make you jump."

"Thorin?! Why are you sitting in the dark? Are you okay??" (Y/N) hurriedly tried to light at the small wax candle that had been sat on a short dresser. Within a few moments, the mass of space was filled with a warm, dull glimmer and she saw that the dwarf was perched upon a strong wooden chair while the bulk of his body leaned against the weight of a solid oak table on the other side of the room.

"I could not sleep-" Thorin smiled to her as he walked to sit at the bottom of the bed. "-Your presence seemed the only thing to soothe me."

"That was the second time I have awoke tonight. I do not think you are the only one missing their sleeping partner!" (Y/N) giggled, pulling her damp hair over her shoulder. "Does anyone know you are here?"

"Oh, no-" He whispered lowly and a look of wild mischief passed across his face. "-But I think that this would, more than likely, be the first place anyone would search."

The dwarf stroked the smooth skin of her cheek with the back of his stubby fingers while letting his eyes fall to the courtship bead that was sitting in her hair. He smiled to himself happily and then let his hand fall to his lap. "It is rather strange to be back here, after craving it so seriously all this time." He sighed, kicking out his foot and moving it around to distract himself. "This place feels more like a graveyard to me now than a home."

"I cannot imagine what you are feeling, but what I do know is that your father and grandfather would be incredibly proud of all you have done." (Y/N) smiled, looking into his twinkling eyes. "It might take a while to get back into the swing of life in Erebor." A strap on her sleeping vest had fallen from (Y/N)s shoulder, leaving a large portion of her chest bare and available for Thorin to gaze at. He reached out to pull it back up with the pad of his thumb and felt his features darken with lust at the touch of her silky skin. He grinned devilishly and scooted himself closer to her body, much to the healer's delight.

Thorin Oakenshield Imagine: Healer.Where stories live. Discover now