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I'd never been one of those guys that sat wallowing, sulking, or over-thinking death. I hadn't expected it so soon, but with my luck during this past month, why not?

Not being suicidal or anything, I would have fought it as long as I could. There were people I'd miss, and things I would have loved to cross off my bucket list. I would have made a bucket list. 

In the past month, I had reached the highest of highs. Found a perfect heavenly existence and had fallen so far and so fast in love. It was like knowing, feeling, and experiencing that kind of perfection, maybe I should have expected the fall. That it would this. Still, there was that sliver of hope that floated with every ticking second.

I couldn't...wouldn't take back the choices I had made. I clenched my fist and puffed up my chest and stared into the hunter's eyes that were as black as a starless night and sharp gaping jaws. My heart raged in panic as I swallowed a thick lump, I grit my teeth in rebellion to my bubbling fear from under my rising goose-bumpy flesh. I stood undeterred and waited for what I expected to be a moment of absolution. I drew in a another hard ragged breath. There was no mistaking that I would die...but in the place of someone I loved. I'd say that was a fair trade.

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So...This Is Life? (Twilight/Life and Death Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now