Chapter 3

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I have to say the only good thing in gym is that Mike and Eric is that they were able to, at least, ask the girls to the beach. Actually, we all did. It was supposed to be just a group thing. Eric swore he asks Angela when we go to the beach.

I actually waited by her car to ask Edith, and as expected, she turned me down, but nicely.

"Sorry, Beau." Alice, the pixie looked genuinely upset as she chimed in, "We're busy, but she'll see you tomorrow." She said matter of factly. I mean of course she would. We went to school together. I watched her climb into her Audi and Alice slips into the passenger seat. Then the crazy-looking blonde guy in the back. Her two-car motorcade blew past me.

I got into my truck, not knowing what to do about Edith. I was sure if she liked me she would want to, at least, go to La Push. It wasn't a big deal. I guessed it was the pride issues of not wanting to be showed up by Eric and Mike, especially Mike, so I called Jules. Maybe a bum move on my part, but she was a friend and she frequented La Push anyway.

Lucky for me she was planning on going anyway with her big brother Jacob. I thought about calling Bella but decided not to. It was a bunch of kids around my age and she had anxiety around a lot of people that she didn't know.

As I cranked Bonnie, my truck I debated on calling Bella to come as well but decided against it. She was shy and she would probably be uncomfortable. I was sure she'd rather keep Charlie company than be around all those people.

I'd been to La Push beach a lot growing up, and every time it is more beautiful to me. I don't know if it is the tall rock structures or the glistening water, but even the ominous clouds couldn't stop this place from looking like a postcard. It was like a place from out of a book. I backed my truck toward the beach and let down the hitch on the truck. Jessica was actually nice enough to pick up cocoa for everyone. She passed them out and we all noticed that there was one more left.

Jessica's eyes got big, "I'm sorry, I thought you were bringing someone Beau."

I glanced over at Mike and noticed the twitch in his lip. "It's cool," I said, "They'll be here in a minute."

"What's up Man?" I glanced over toward the fog and there was a group of people. Jacob walked up and we slapped hands I'd noticed two other guys a little shorter than him that I wasn't sure I'd met before. Then my eyes drew over to a slim olive skinned beauty with long black hair.

"Quil, Embry, this is my boy Beau."

We gave each other masculine nods, "These are my friends Mike, Eric, Jessica, and Angela."

They greeted each other with nods. Couldn't help but notice Jessica's eyes scrolling the built guys like a buffet line. I immediately looked at Mike who looked right at her and at the guys with a tense jaw.

"You remember Jules."

"Hey, Beau." Jules smiled again. Her dark eyes lit up.

"H-hey Jules," I said bashfully waving my hand even though she was a few feet away.

"So what you up to?" Jacob asked walking past me sitting next to the girls on the bed of my truck leaning back on his buff arms. Clearly showing off, and it was working. Both girl's faces turned a shade redder.

"You are Quileute?" Angela asked.

Jacob looked at her, "That's right." He said rewarding her with a smile almost like a teacher gives a student with a correct answer but this one was more seductive.

"Aren't you guys like decedents of werewolves?" Jessica said leaning in.

"Shapeshifters." Jacob corrected.

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