Chapter 20

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I just kept driving, we'd cleared out of Forks miles ago, and I couldn't help but feel a hard rock in the pit of my stomach. This didn't feel right. I should have been with Bella, or Edythe. I was running. This was cowardice. I blew a breath against the dank air of the truck.

I stole a glance over in the passenger seat when I'd noticed Edward. His finger rested against his head as this veins appeared. He looked stressed, and like he was meditating. I remembered his abilities and something clicked. He was in contact with someone, Alice maybe, or Edythe. My chest tighted.

His eyes popped open, wide and glaring off into the distance. "I need to go."

"What is it Edythe?"

He shook his head, "No," grunted, "No, Edie, no."

"What is it?" My heart couldn't take it. I felt helpless, while the woman I loved, was…I didn't know what was going on but I knew she needed me—or something. She needed help. My foot slammed on the break.

"What are you doing?"

I whirred the truck around. Thankfully we were on a deserted road. I slammed my foot on the gas heading back toward Forks. Come death, Edythe wasn't going to be harmed over my stupidity.

"I'm going to help her, whether you like it or not." I charged, "So tell me what's going on. Is James hurting her?" My blood fueled thinking of James harming Edythe.

He shook his head, "She made me promise to protect you."

"I don't care," I growled, "Edythe is my life now. I love her."

A quiet moment past, and I couldn't read minds but I thought we'd reached an understanding.

"We'll figure it out," he said, "It's not James."

I looked back at him.

"It's Victoria." He shook his head, "I can't find James."

A swallowed a lump in my throat.

"Is Bella safe?"

He nodded, "But Victoria, is after Edythe. She jealous." He breathed, "Thinks that James hasn't gotten over her, and this is all for Edythe." He looked down, "She wants to kill Edythe."

"Is she okay?"

He nodded, "Edythe fought her off, but she's hurt bad."

"He have to get out to her." I said, "Do you know where she is?"

"Vaguely. I don't recognize the surroundings, it's all woods though."

"I could be anywhere."

"I have an idea of the range." He said, "I might be able to get out to her."

"Where? I want to help. I need to help."

"Meet me at the Sheriff's station. It should be somewhere around there."


With a nod the wind fluttered up and he was gone.I was alone in the truck. My heart beat heavy in my chest. I couldn't think about losing Edythe. I had to do something. I actually hoped Edward could, before I had a chance to, it didn't matter as long as she was safe.

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