Chapter 19

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By the time I'd pulled into the driveway, Edythe and Edward left to set the plan we'd discussed in motion. I still wasn't comfortable with it, but it was a plan none the less, and I couldn't come up with anything better. I'd heard Bella heave in an unsettling breath as I looked up and noticed both Jules' white rabbit, and Billy's brand new black truck sitting in the driveway, with Charlie's squad car in front. As I swallowed it felt as if I rock was lodged into my throat.

"Remember Beau," we have to be heartless. She looked up at me her brown eyes big like saucers, "Or he won't let us go. He can't think anything is wrong."

I nodded, and slightly smiled, proud to see my soft spoken sister with authority in her voice, "Yeah." I agreed.

Charlie came out of the house, still in his brown police uniform. I took a deep breath before I opened the door to the truck, and not soon after I heard the crash of the passenger door closing.

"Glad you guys are home. Wash up, and get ready for dinner."

I heaved in a heavy breath, "No. Charlie." Just as I said it my chest tightened and I suddenly felt condensation on my hands, I didn't even need to look into Charlie's narrowed eyes.

"That wasn't an option, Beaufort. Billy, Jules, and Jacob are here, we're going to have a nice family dinner with our friends, end of story." He cocked his head, "And what's this "Charlie" business. The word is 'Dad'."

I swallowed.

"What the hell as gotten into you?"

I looked back at Bella who had her back straight like a pillar, like she was standing up to Charlie with me.

"Bella, get washed up for dinner." Her eyes got big as they looked at me full of betrayal. I looked back at Charlie, "I'm leaving." I pushed past him.

"I'm leaving too." I heard Bella say as we came into the house.

"What's gotten into you?" Charlie said.

I turned around and addressed Charlie, "What's gotten into me?" I huffed, "You want to know what's gotten into me, since when do you care?"

His blue eyes got big, "I care Beau. You're my son. What the hell is going on with you?"

"Dinner's ready." I heard Jules' voice announce, her warm fruity scent wafted through the air making my stomach flip.

I took another heavy breath.

"Beau, what's wrong?" I heard Jules ask. I couldn't even look at her, I could barely look at Charlie.

"You." I jabbed a finger at Charlie, "You're my problem." I stomped up the stairs.

"Beau, what gives? Let's talk about this. What happen. You go out with your girlfriend, and her family, with Bells. I thought everything was good."

"It's not good. It sucks."

"Beau talk to me."

"She broke up with me Dad." I finally snapped, "Yeah, we start talking about our future, and what we want."

"It's a little too soon to be talking about that don't you think?"

"I told her I wanted a family. A house in Forks. Do you know what she said?"

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