Chapter 2

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All and all I was content with how the day had gone. The new kid jitters out of the way. I'd even made a few friends, which was more than I could have asked for. Then why did I feel like crap. I gripped the steering wheel hard as I turned down the road to my dad's. I still thought about her. She could have told me that I gave her a creepy vibe, I would have backed off. Or if I smelled. Maybe I smelled. I shook it off. At first I was apologetic about it, but soon I became angry and frustrated. Then I just convinced myself to just let it go. It was her problem not mine.

That was when I noticed the white Volkswagen rabbit in the drive way, my mind went directly to Bella. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to pick her up, or if I needed to. I didn't even know where the middle school was. I would have if Charlie needed me to. As I stepped out of my truck, I studied the little car again. It seemed like a woman's car, maybe it was a girlfriend. I hoped so. I rushed into the house and immediately a warm smell hit me. An herbal and buttery smell that was coated with fried fish. I didn't eat much of my lunch. Then I heard giggling. Like Charlie's girlfriend had already won over Bella. That wasn't an easy thing.

They laughed again, and it was more familiar. That was when I noticed the long black hair of someone hovering over Bella at the kitchen table. Bella was doing her homework.

"Hey Beau."

The girl looked up and my heart fell into my stomach, "Jules?"

A smile spread across her soft cheeks her dark brown eyes lit up. "Beau." She rushed up to me wrapping me in her embrace. I nuzzled into her neck.

"It's good to see you again, Beau." She said softly.

I pulled back. I needed to look at her. She wasn't the girl I remembered from La Push those years back. This girl, now coming into soft womanly features. She gave me my first kiss. I smiled. "Wow!" Was the only thing that came out. I scrolled her again, her dark hair, the hint of freckles on her her cheeks, warm rose lips, a tight pink long sleeve shirt and jeans that hugged her frame.

"Beau, you're gawking." Bella said.

My face burned, "I'm not. I'm not. I'm sorry. I just. You've grown..."

She giggled and her head fell, "You've grown up too, Beau." Her hand grazed my cheek, "Is that a beard."

My wiggled my eyebrows, "I guess I'm becoming a mountain man."

She giggled causing a dimple to appear in her cheek, "Survive one night in the wilderness without screaming like a girl and well talk about the mountain man thing."


Bella laughed. Hard.

"Hey, that was once. And snakes give me the hebby-jibbies."

Jules went back over the stove, "Jules you didn't have to cool." I walked over, "I could. Besides, Bella's a vegetarian." I looked down at the spicy smelling fish in the skillet.

"I know." She pushed me lightly away from the stove, "I'm making her my famous mushroom burgers. This is for you and Charlie." Her voice was like music, "Me,Dad and Jake caught these this morning before school"

"You should have told me you were at school today." I sat down next to Bella, "I would of looked for you. It would have been nice seeing a familiar face."

She gave me a soft smile that made her head drop a little, "Beau, I would have loved to see you at school.But I go to school on the reservation."

I thought. How could I have forgot that? "Oh! Right."

"I wish I could have though." She set a strip of fish on a plate, "How was your first day."

I raised my eyebrows.

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