Chapter 6

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Edythe didn't avoid me, I avoided her. If she thought she could just use me a yo-yo, she had another thing coming. I owed her my life, I'd give her that. I'd give her what she wanted, for me to stay away.

It was difficult during lunch, I sat with my usual friends and watched Eric did everything but ask Angela to the dance including talk about the weather, the yearbook, the newspaper, and about some wildlife preserve trying to get a pack of wolves to migrate to the Olympic peninsula so they would mate and replenish the population. Angela said she would do some research on it to see if there was anything she could do, because she loved wolves, and thought they were beautiful creatures.

It must have been the tone of her voice, the bat in her eye, but she was sending all of the signals and I just wanted to shake Eric. That again, I couldn't have been too judgmental, he was already doing better than I was.

As the bell chimed to switch glasses after lunch, that unsettling thought taunted me. I didn't know why it did but it did. I wondered if it was the fact that I was going to have to go to the next class and sit next to a woman that made my heart stutter like it had never stuttered before. A woman that had me twisted and going crazy and I hardly knew anything about her. It was like my heart, my whole world existed in that moment her eyes fluttered into mine. What was happening to me? I kept asking myself.

"Beau." My eyes trailed from my shoes upward and I had to admit I was hoping my eyes would find themselves in Edythe's but I had no such luck. Angela's glittering brown eyes stared at me under her white framed glasses. She giggled tugging her blue binder to his chest.

I forced a smile that I didn't feel, "Hey, Angela."

"Hey Beau," Her eyes fell, but her lips dropped, "Um...I just wanted to ask you if Eric said anything to you."

I squinted, "About what."

Her eyes widened, "Me." She blurted matter-of-factly.

It took me a moment before what she said clicked, ", yeah, he talks about you."

Her eyes trailed to the tile floor again, "What does he say?"

I pushed out an exasperated breath, "Eric's my boy, and I know he likes you, but give the guy a break, I mean he's not the most confident walking up the street, but he's a good guy, Angela. He's a stand-up guy."

"I know." She grabbed my shoulder and when she realized what she was doing she pulled her hand away, "Sorry. But seriously, you're preaching to the choir. I mean most of the guys here are like so cocky, and full of themselves. Eric's not like that at all."

My lip twitched into a smile. "Really?"

Her head fell, "I like him. I mean, I hate that he's friends with Mike, I think he could do better, but I'm glad he's friends with you. I think you're a good influence." She looked up at me her eyes imploring, "I was hoping that you can influence him."

I blew out a breath scratching the nape of my neck, "Why don't you spell it out for him."

Her eyes narrowed into slits.

I chuckled, "Guys are stupid, spell it out for him."

Her head cocked.

"Ask him."

Her eyes widened, ", you don't think that will look to controlling."

I chuckled again, "Trust me, not for Eric. He needs a kick, but he'll thank you for it. He's into you, he's just in a stalemate. You make the first move let him make the next one." Before I could finish she wrapped her arm around me almost making me topple over.

So...This Is Life? (Twilight/Life and Death Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now