Chapter 15

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I drove home unsure what to feel about Edward and his interest in my little sister. I take that back, I knew what to feel, but I didn't know how to keep him away from Bella without compromising my relationship with Edythe. It was selfish, but it was what it came down to. I knew if I would have talked to Bella about it, she would have called me a hypocrite. Even Edythe might have called me a hypocrite, and Edythe trusted her brother, that meant, I needed to trust him.

But he was a vampire. Edythe was one too, but it was different. Bella wasn't old enough to date, not even old enough to like boys, even though she like one that was way older than her, and Edward was way older than her, by almost a century. That's when something clicked. What if she'd been in love with Edward the whole time?

It couldn't and wouldn't happen. I needed reinforcements. When I'd pulled into the driveway, I'd noticed Jules' Volkswagen, but my dad's car wasn't there. I pulled out of the drive way and decided to head straight for the police station. Dad had agreed to the lessons, but maybe if I plead my case, he could understand why they weren't such a good idea. I needed him to take my side on this. Bella's life might have hung in the balance. Among other things.

It was dark when I had gotten to the precinct, which was a small secluded cabin surrounded by creepy looking trees. Suddenly, I could see why a family of Vampires would call Forks home. I wouldn't have been surprised if there were werewolves, or maybe even Big Foot living in these very woods. I remembered James' threat, and suddenly the Forks I remembered from when I was a kid was gone. Forks was a dark scary place.

I mean, it had Edythe, it had my two best friends Jules and Jake, and Charlie, for me or less I couldn't factor my Dad out of my reasoning for staying in Forks.

I pulled into the gravel driveway next to the Charlie's police car just behind the big Trailblaze parked just by the building. I stepped out, shoved my hands in my pockets and quickly footed into the small cabin-looking building. The place was empty but the blast of warm air offered relief from the cold biting against my flesh.

"I'll be with you in just a..." I heard Charlie's voice from the other room, "Beau? What are you doing here? Is Bella okay?" He appeared at the opening of the hallway behind the administration desk.

I ran my tongue over my course lips, "Hey Dad. Bella's fine."

He sighed and he smiled, "Good. How did your dinner go."

I shrugged, "I'm still alive." That probably made more sense to me than to him.

He chuckled, "I didn't have any doubt they would like you."

I smiled pridefully, "Thanks, Dad."

"So what's up? I'd hate to rush you, but I'm buried in paperwork."

"I didn't mean to bother you, I just kind of needed to talk to you about something. Man to man."

The corner of his mouth twitched under his thick moustache, "Well come on back." He cocked his head, "I'm never too busy for a man to man talk with my son."

I smiled, "Thanks, Dad."

I followed my dad back to a small office in the back. It was probably not even really small at all, just covered with things. A big wood desk with an ancient bulky Mac computer took up the room. The desk was covered in boxes full of manilla files and in frames near the computer screen and also on the walls were pictures of Bella and me, Jake and Jules, and him and Billy mostly.

He took a seat in his worn leather chair that was covered it rips and cracks. A state smell of leather and pine filled hair. I slumped on the small leather chair in front of his desk as Charlie went back to his computer and the opened file in front of him. My eyes just happened to trail down to the open file and observe it noticing a newspaper article that had "Animal Attack" on one of the headlines before my dad shut the folder and tugged it more in his direction.

So...This Is Life? (Twilight/Life and Death Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang