Chapter 21

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From the moment I stepped on the plane to Arizona the plane and the taxi ride to my old school was all a blur for me. I was surprised that Edward didn't suspect anything when I had asked to go check on Charlie. I actually went to Charlie's house. Jake and Harry were there, and as luck would have it Jake was just leaving. He took me to the airport. I'd told him I wanted to drop off the truck. I made him promise to look after Charlie.

Jacob's sense of duty when he agreed gave me comfort. I hadn't really appreciated how good a friend that Jake and Jules were. I remember hugging him. He just planked awkwardly but he didn't know that this was the last time he'd see me. I wished I could have said my goodbyes to Edythe and Jules.

As the cab drove away from in front of my school I couldn't think about anything by Bella and my mom. The Uber car drove off and I stood in front of my old school. It was literally like staring into the jaws of hell. I hated this place more than any place in the world. I was pushed, teased, bullied up and down those bleak hallways, and this was the place I'd accepted the fate of dying. I swallowed thickly and walked across the street. I wondered about going in through the front door, maybe he would be expecting that, maybe he knew I was already there. I thought about the door in the kitchen that was never locked. It was the known place to sneak in and out of the school, it was the worst kept secret that no one did anything about. It made no sense but I was glad I thought about it at that moment.

I jogged around to the side of the school and into the dipped driveway of the kitchen. A strong familiar smell invaded my nose. I clutched the heavy metal handle and I took a few deep breaths and carefully opened the door, but it made an awful screech as it opened. I quickly came inside and closed the door again. My heart thudded head against my chest. I could hear it in my ears. I glanced around the empty kitchen for some kind of knife or something I could use for a weapon. I crouched down low as I carefully made my way towards the side hallway.

I felt a vibration against my thigh caused me to jump. I looked down and noticed a text that had just come through my phone.

There was a loud echo, "Finally our special guest has joined the party."

Jules: Talked to Jake. Beau what's going on? Where are you?

"Don't keep your host waiting."

I was going to ignore, but then I needed her.

Can't talk. Look after Charlie. I'm sorry. I love you.

I took a breath and made me way towards the back of the main stair way toward the basement. I stepped down the flight of stairs toward the weight room.

"Don't be shy, Beaufort. Come out, come out where ever you are."

"Beau, run!" My heart sank hearing the panic in my sister's voice. Something hot settled in my chest. It was rage.

"Why don't you leave them out of this?" I called out, "I'm here, alone. Let's settle this like men."

James let out a deep evil chuckle, "Men don't sneak in back doors and hide in basements like cowards, Beaufort."

My heart stooped.

"You think you are really worthy of her?"

I looked over into the door leading into the weight room. He was watching me anyway. I pushed through the door and balled my fasts. "I'll show you how worthy I am."

I caught my reflection of the mirrors that lined the wall. I threw the gray hoodie backward. My hair stuck up all over the place. I wasn't a muscular guy, but I was guy that needed to protect the women he loved. Edythe included. Victoria got the upper-hand, so who was to say that both of them couldn't sneak attack her as well.

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