Chapter 11

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When I pulled into the driveway of my house, and stepped out of my truck, and I could tell you the stars glitter brighter, everything tasted...sour from throwing up earlier, but my stomach twisted in a good way. I felt like a new man, and it wasn't because I'd yet again cheated death. I took in a heavy breath leaned back against my truck as my mind replayed that kiss in my mind.

It wasn't my first kiss, not even my second. Not that women were beating down my parents doors because they wanted to kiss me. Well, maybe in Forks, but that was just weird alone. But Edythe. My lips still pulsed from Edythe's warm full lips. It may have been the heat of my own lips that heated hers, but the spark was there. My head tilted back and hit the window of my truck. My stomach must have been trying to qualify for the Olympics.

I trudged in the house my body, heavy and depleted but still light as a feather.

"Beaufort Swan!" I noticed Charlie standing at the end of the walkway that led into the din, his arms folded over his chest.

I shoved my hands in my jacket pockets and my hand clutched around my phone. I internally kicked myself for not calling or thinking to even turn my phone back on. "Dad, I'm sorry. I just lost track of time."

"That's no excuse, Beau!" He ranted, "Do you even know what time it is?"

I considered telling him about getting robbed, but it was just more ammunition he'd have to bring back to my mom. I wasn't sure if he'd use it, but I didn't want to take my chances.

I blew out a hard breath, "Dad, I'm sorry. I lost track of time." I shrugged, "Truthfully, I didn't even know it was that far." That was the truth. Hour and seven minutes? Maybe if I drove like Edythe. My heart stuttered.

"You could have called, Beau."

"Dad, I needed Google maps to get home." Half fib, my phone died once I got on the highway, and by then it was a straight shot.

His bushy eyebrows stretched. Maybe he was buying it.

His lips thinned, "You still should have called, Beau."

"Yeah, dad I know. I met up with Jacob, and just lost track of time." Kind of truth,but I knew Jake would back me up, "I'm sorry. It won't happen again."

He pushed out a breath, "Alright Beau. Next time, I'm taking your cell phone, and you're grounded." He shook his finger, "I mean it. You need to be the one setting an example for Bella."

"I know, Dad."I said giving him the most innocent smile I could muster, "I'll do better."

He cocked his head, "Get upstairs, you got work in the morning."

"Okay."I trotted up the stairs. I had to admit, I almost wasn't looking forward to waking up early. I walked to my door and peeked up at Bella's room. The light was off and I assumed she was sleeping.

I went into my room and didn't bother to even turn the light on. I guess I was just that tired. I went over to my dresser and pulled out a t-shirt and a pair of sweat pants. As I was searching for my clothes, there was a strange heat that rose up my back, and there was an unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach. I shook it off, maybe Charlie had turned up the heat, which was fine, because Fork autumn nights were freezing, even with the heat on full blast, and somehow my room was always the worst.

I walked to the bathroom, took a long relaxing shower washing off the grime from the day. I brought my toothbrush and toothpaste in with me to brush the sour taste of my mouth. My stomach flipped again. Edythe still kissed me. I leaned against the wall in the shower and smiled. Edythe was a piece of work. I cut off the shower, dried off and put my clothes on.

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