Chapter 9

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I shifted my books to my other hand and reached for my wallet. The blade against my back bared down harder. I started to look up and noticed more figures coming toward me. I could feel my heart thudding in my ears.

My mom put Bella and me in jujitsu classes. I remember wondering why she did. Obviously, she wanted Bella to protect herself, but for me, I wondered if it was because she was afraid I'd get bullied, because I was easily a hundred and forty pounds soaking wet, or just for exercise, or maybe for situations like this. I was surrounded. I didn't know if they were armed, and it didn't matter. I valued my life more.

"I-I don't want any trouble."

Someone behind me yanked my jacket and slipped a hand into my back pocket and another snatched the books out of my hand.

"Hey!" I cried out before I stepped toward the guy that snatched the books that were only loaned to me. Some behind me pushed me and I came crashing down to the pavement. My elbows and knees hit first, and but it didn't kill the momentum of my cheek. The impact threatening a tear.

I grit my teeth as something bubbled inside. I flipped around. The guys, there seemed to be about five, if they killed me, I needed to at least try to get those books back.

"I'd stay down if I were you." One of them laughed his devious smile glinting through the darkness.

I looked and noticed the other guy, he tossed the books from his black gloved hand. The pages of the books flipped through the air until they disappeared into the trees. I grit my teeth and charged toward him pushing my palms into his chest forcing him out of my way and taking off toward the wooded area. That's when one of them bear hugged me around my waist. I started kicking and pulling at the arms wrapped around me. Then I tried to stomp the guy's feet but my feet dangled off the ground. I was like an animal caught in a trap.

The one that threw my books stood in front of me with a smile and a wicked gleam in his eyes. He raised a fist up, and I winced helplessly preparing myself for it.

"Stop it!" I heard a feminine's restrained voice.

"This doesn't concern you, girly. Keep moving."

I opened my eyes and in the dim light, I'd know that figure anywhere. The dainty contours of her face, the soft curves of her plump lips my heart fell into this stomach.

"Edythe, just go! Get out of here."

"Let him go," She let out a growling whisper.

A loud smacking sound cracked through my ears and before I even knew what was going on, Edythe punched the guy in front of me, and another guy came behind her, she ducked whirled around and her fist connected with his cheek knocking him to the ground. The guy holding me even let go and she twisted his arm behind him and her other arm wrapped around his neck.

She was backing up as they surrounded her front, "I will snap his neck." She cried with a desperation in her eyes that told me and everyone that she was serious.

"It's not worth it." One of them said, "Let's go."

She pushed the guy away and the band of dark bandits took off into the woods. My hand swiped my face when I accidentally pushed in the tender part of my cheek. I groaned.

"Are you okay?" The smell of lilac filled my senses when her dark hazel eyes met mine. Her irises were small around her wide black pupil. I closed my eyes and shook my head and looked at her again.

"Are you okay?" I asked. My hand went toward hers. Her hand was ice cold, but I had to observe it. When I noticed there were no scratches I brought it to my mouth blowing my breath on it coating it in my hands. They were ice cold.

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