Chapter 16

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I pulled into Forks High feeling like a man on top of the world. I stepped out of my truck and strolled into the parking lot. I stole a glance over at the "Cullen parking zone" and noticed their cars but they weren't hanging out outside. I shrugged it off. At least they were here, and that meant that Edythe was at school today. My heart stuttered in my chest.

"Hey, Beau." I heard a bubbly voice say above the crowd of voices, and the next thing I knew I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned hoping to find Edythe, instead, I noticed bright golden eyes, sharp angular cheeks, and the pixie cut hair.

I smiled against my disappointment, "Hey Alice, what's up?"

"You seen Edie around?"

"No." I shrugged, disappointed.

She let out an over dramatized sigh, I felt a sharp gust as we whipped around to the opposite direction.

That was when she tilted head and I noticed it was on my shoulder and her grip tightened. That was when I realized how strong she was as she guided me toward the other side of the school. I'd always seen Alice as a sweet fluttery person, like a little fairy, but suddenly, I felt I couldn't forget that she was a bloodthirsty vampire.

My heart thudded again, but this time in panic. "Uh," my voice shook more than I expected, "Is there something wrong."

She cocked her head, and pursed her lips as she looked off in a mock pensive expression, "That's what I'm trying to figure out, Beau."

"What are you trying to figure out?"

Her head leaned in so her mouth was close to my ear, anyone that could see us might have mistakenly thought we were a couple. I couldn't let that get back to Edythe. I didn't want to think Alice would set me up, but this was looking bad, and she held my shoulder tightly to the point it ached, and I was sure I'd have a bruise.

She bit her bottom lip her eyes twitching to the right and left quickly as her eyelashes fluttered. It was as if her body was here but her brain was fluttering in Neverland somewhere.

Her eyes flicked into mine, and that's when her lips drooped. "Beau, I had a vision this morning." Her lips parted and closed again as if she was about to say something but rethought.

She stopped walking and started to release my shoulder. I noticed we were in the deep left wing of the school where the greenhouses were, it was a circular room covered in glass, almost like a green house itself. We were alone, and suddenly I had a vision of my blood splashing over the glass windows. I swallowed thickly.

She just stood in front of me, and her head fell. "Beau, I don't know what you've decided to do, but I'm warning you now it's a bad idea."

The side of my mouth crept up as I forced a laugh, "I don't know what you're talking about."

Her thin brows furrowed as she shoved her hands on her hips, "Beaufort Swan!" He voice was no longer fluttery, now it was maternal. It was extra maternal. It was more maternal than my mom's. She hardly sounded like a student, she sounded like a teacher. Her eyes narrowed, "You've made a choice, and because of whatever strange block that is driving all of us crazy, I can't see what it is, but I can see enough to tell you're about to do something that is going to have really bad consequences."

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