Chapter 5

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Charlie let out a hard breath into the phone receiver, and that only made me sink into the couch more.

"Yes, Renee," He said, "He's fine. Beau is fine. It was just a few bumps. I told you, you had nothing to worry about." He sighed harshly again, "No, I'm not being condescending, I'm not even being sarcastic." He spoke slowly.

My head tilted back on the couch as I looked up at the spinning ceiling fan. The fast spinning motions were making me dizzy, even making my head hurt, but, at least, it was a distraction. My dad came into my vision looking down at me with the phone to his ear. He held the receiver and thrust it in my direction.

He sighed, "Your mother wants to talk to you." He whispered.

"Why did you tell her about the accident?" I whispered harshly. Charlie was my dad and I didn't need to get snappy with him, but I didn't want to talk to my mom when she was hysterical. I didn't like seeing her cry, that was enough, her hysterical twisted my insides.

"Beaufort Swan, talk to your mother," Charlie demanded.

I flared my nostrils talking the phone adjusting the cord around Bella who sat next to me on the couch focused on me. I almost felt worse for setting a bad example, snapping on Charlie.

"Beau? Beau?"

"I'm here, Mom? How's Florida?"

"What happened, Beau? Your father isn't telling me, exactly what happened."

I let out a breath. By the tone of her voice, Charlie had already told her too much, "Just a little car accident," I assured, "Those things happen everywhere."

"But you went to the hospital."

"Just to get checked out, Mom. I'm fine." I said, "Really I have never been finer. I seriously, I got worst injuries when I slipped on the ice this morning on the way to my car."

"Was Bella with you?"

"What when I slipped on the ice?"

"No, when you were in the car accident."

Sat up running my fingers through my hair, "Of course not mom, I was leaving school. It was just a freak accident, and no one got hurt."

"Beau," She breathed, "I'm just wondering if this was the right thing to do. Are you two doing okay?"

Looked over at Bella, her big brown eyes laced with sadness, "We're fine mom." I said against a hardness in my throat, "We're perfectly fine, with Char—um...Dad." I looked up and noticed Charlie was in the kitchen. By the sound of clanking pots, he was attempting if the day could get any worse. I grit my teeth and cocked my head upward again. This was the worst day yet.

"Let me speak to Bella."

"Yes, Mom." I nudged the phone in her direction and give her an approving nod.

She took it hesitantly and put it to her ear, "Hi Mom." She said with more excitement than her face and posture showed, "I'm doing fine. I'm making a lot of friends." There was a strain in her voice that I wasn't sure mom would catch over the phone, "Charlie is great," She said, "I'm so glad we're here." I noticed a shaky smile and I wanted to wrap my arm around her but she stood from the couch and continued to make Forks seem to like her favorite place on earth, even though it was the opposite.

My heart tensed again. I thought about my conversation with Edith. I was making my own sacrifices, but so was Bella. We were both putting on a charade so our mother could be happy. It still wasn't fair that Bella had to go through it.

I noticed the phone and saw Bella nudging it in my direction, "She wants to talk to you again."

I pulled the phone from Bella and put it back to my ear.

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