Chapter 12

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I woke up, and it should have been predictable I was alone, but I didn't stop my hands from reaching, and relishing in her lingering scent. Even though it was the only time I'd ever had a girl in my bed, and it was innocent, I couldn't stop thinking about her, and how well she fit in my arms.

"Dude? Seriously?" I heard Mike as I snapped back into my reality, "That's where the grappling hooks go, not the fish hooks."

I shook my head realizing what I was doing, "Aw dang." I pulled the little packs of hooks off of the display rod.

"You forget to eat your Wheaties or something?" Mike laughed.

I wasn't going to tell him the truth, and I had a feeling there would be a lot of things about my relationship with Edythe I'd be keeping secret, and I was okay with that. I didn't want to keep our relationship secret. That I wanted to scream to the mountain tops, but her being a vampire, and last night, among other things I knew I had to keep quiet about.

"Long night," I responded, hoping to satisfy Mike's curious stare.

"Tell, me about it," Mike helped me take down the display I botched, "My dad's been going crazy about this Halloween."

"What about Halloween?"

He blew out a breath and rolled his eyes, "Every year, he dresses up and scares campers."

My teeth grit, remembering the conversation I had with Jacob. He was making a mockery of Jacob's history, but then again what was Halloween but a mockery of everything, including Edythe. Her family must have hated it.

An a ding interrupted my thoughts drawing my attention to the door.

"Dude, get that. I'll fix this."

"Cool," I said as I strolled toward the door as I noticed the leather jacket guy with long ratty blonde hair, pulled into a messy ponytail pushing around the sunglasses display.

"Hello," I smiled as I approached, "Looking for anything in particular."

His head tilted up, his eyes were dark and his lips curved into a slow smile as his brows furrowed, "Yeah, do you have any rope."

I pushed my lip out, "What kind of rope, we have fish line, braided, bungee cord, guyline cord, it depends on what you're trying to do." I leaned on a rack. The guy just looked at me with the same odd look, "Why don't I show you and you can tell me what you're looking for."

I walked over to the rope section as he followed. I felt a strange chill up my spine as we walked. I showed him the different ropes the store carried just as Mike's dad showed me. He chose the twisted rope after he decided that three yards of the stuff were just what he needed, he turned to me and said, "Do you have any zip ties." he gave a low chuckle and gave me a sarcastically embarrassed grin.

My quirked my eyebrow, "Sure." I said slowly as I lead him to the zip ties.

He continued to go through some odd shopping list he'd conjured in his brain including duct tape, tarp, gloves, and a huge survival knife, everything was more off, and conspicuous than the next. There was a part of me that was wondering if I needed to call my dad, and another just felt I was being paranoid, or maybe he was just screwing with me.

I tried not to show emotion about it. I rang him up appearing indifferent, and bagged everything, and watched him pay for everything in cash. I just smiled trying to lighten the mood and pushed the bags in his direction, "There you go," I said, "Everything you need for your Norman Bate's starter kit."

He gave me a closed mouth chuckle, "And a tip."

Before I could tell him, that I didn't accept tips, his hands clutched my collar and he snatched me toward him from the other side of the counter. I could feel the cold ice seeping off of him and I'd even noticed his sharp canines. He leaned toward my ear, "Stay away from Edythe. I won't say it again." He growled.

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