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DISCLAIMER: — see first chapter —

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Omnipresent POV

AKALA KO AATAKIHIN KA SA PUSO after Wally told you ako ang replacement mo," Danny Perez, the newly hired assistant, said after they left Wally's office and headed back to Maine's desk. He followed the petite woman with long dark hair pulled up in a simple ponytail.

"I did," Maine admitted as she led her successor back to her desk.

"You did?" Danny was surprised to hear her admit it.

"Yeah," she nodded.

"Oh, sorry," he apologized, suddenly feeling sheepish and less enthusiastic about landing this new position. He found out about the opening through his cousin, who also works for the advertising company, who suggested he send in his resume complete with cover letter and referrals.

"That's okay. I did recover from it quickly," Maine made a detour before heading back to her desk. Since she was training Danny for the next two weeks and he'd be working closely with her until it was time for her to completely takeover her job she needed to find him an extra chair for him to use.

The rest of the day flew by without further ado. Maine was busy training Danny and dealing with the non-stop incoming of proofs from Layout, as well as contacting some of the other clients who wanted some reassurance and update on how the project was doing.

Maine made sure to keep Danny busy all day, showing him everything he needed to learn and hoping that he was taking notes while she did so. She was also keeping herself distracted because she didn't want to think about whose job Danny was taking over once his training was done. Wally was pretty vague when he told her that she need not worry; she still has a job even though her current one was going to be given to someone else.

Even though she was busy training her successor, Maine was still aware of everyone's eyes watching her and her newbie companion. At one point she saw Alden when he walked back in to the office giving her and Danny a queer look as he walked past. She thought he'd stop and talk to them, but he just kept right on walking until she could no longer see him.

Jules cornered her during their morning break. Maine introduced her to Danny and gave her a Cliff's Notes version of why Danny was with her. She didn't elaborate much on who Danny was going to be replacing since Wally specifically told them that particular information must be kept in the down-low until the time has come.

"What's the deal with the cutie?" Jules asked keeping her voice down after she dragged Maine aside and away from her trainee, who sat by himself in the lunch room and was being eyed by the vultures.

Maine kept an eye on Danny seeing as he would fall as easy prey to Vivianne and her followers. She already saw the gleam in a couple of the girls' eyes as soon as they walked in to the lunch room and they saw Danny be left by himself. Maine knew the guy could handle himself, but as much as possible she didn't want to leave him to fend for himself especially on his first day.

"I'm training him," answered Maine while making sure to keep an eye out for Danny.

"Bakit?" Jules frowned.

"Mary from upstairs is going on maternity leave. Someone from our floor's gonna be transferred upstairs to replace her."

"Do we know who Mary's replacement is going to be?" prodded a very curious Jules.

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