2. Rainy Day (Namjoon)

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The thunder roared in the eerie gray sky.The rain fell heavily, leaving small puddles of water in the pathway of your house. You sat on the couch with a fatigued face, today was the one of the busiest days for you at work. All you wanted to do was just curl up in bed and hope for another chaotic day in this blood sucking routine. You slid off your coat and let the warmth of your small two bedroom apartment soak in your cold skin.

You heard a loud banging at your door.

Sigh. I'm not in the mood for company right now! You thought to yourself.

You open the door to find your best friend Namjoon drenched in rain water. The water hugged his clothes so tightly but his bones rattled under the freezing temperature.

"Namjoon!" You shouted.

"What happened to you?!"

You took him by the shoulders and ran into the bathroom with a freshly clean towel in your hands. Namjoon ruffled it through his stiff hair. Breathing heavily because of all the walking that was done Namjoon fell like a stone onto the couch.

"What brings you here to visit me this late..do you even know what time is it?" You said naggingly.

"Don't even start with me y/n." Muttered Namjoon.

"My girlfriend and I got into another fight, and this time it escalated to her cheating on me with her co-worker. And it's our 2 year anniversary too."

Your heart dropped to the ground as you hear these words. Namjoon looked completely worn out by the memories his ex left him. The happiness, the kisses, the cuddly nights under the stars, and all of the stories that they shared to one another broken by the infidelity of just having a one night stand. You knew how strong and determined your best friend was he never broke down so easily. But now Namjoon was as fragile as a porcelain doll..any more damage and he would break. You sat down next to him and gave him a reassuring pat on the back.

"Here! Change into some wet clothes. You'll get sick you stay in your wet rags." You said politely.

Namjoon stormed off into the guest room. You quickly walked into the kitchen to prepare some ginseng tea.

I remember meeting that girl he was talking about. You thought.

A guy like him shouldn't have to suffer like this! I mean...I wouldn't be like that if he was my..

You shooed the thought out of your head once you realized the blood that had flown to your cheeks. You took a warm cup down to the guest room and walked towards the guest room to check up on Namjoon to see how he's holding off.

"Hey buddy...you doing OK in there?" You asked.

You gently opened the door with caution. You gaped with your mouth opened and the tea came hurling down to the ground leaving a hot mess on the carpet.

Namjoon had barely put his left arm through the sleeve hole before you barged in. His abdominal and biceps were well toned from all the dance practices and late night workouts. Your eyes traced every curve and bump that surrounded his damp and cold skin. Water droplets fells down from his hair to his abdomen but you were almost lost in the details of his perfectly sculptured body that his voiced pierced through your train of thoughts.

"I'm so...sorry! I didn't mean to barge in..I'll be gone!"

Namjoon swiftly closed the door with a single kick and had a hold of your arm. Your body tensed up with his movements.

"I actually like having you here...with me." Whispered Namjoon.

Your eyes widened at the words you just heard. You thought you had to be hearing things for a minute! Yes, you had a small crush on Namjoon since the day you met him. But your mind couldn't process the fact that he may feel the same way.

Namjoon's arms tightly held onto your waist but slowly slid up to your face. He cups both hands onto your cheeks forcing you to look him dead in the eye.

"Y/N...Thank you for helping me with what I'm going through right now. Since the first day I went out with my ex. You have always been the wing man I can rely on. Through thick and thin, you have stayed by my side. Thank you." Said Namjoon.

His lips gently brushed yours. You slowly inched away from him in sheer panic but he coiled one arm around your waist and smashed his lips against yours. You stiffened under this aggressive kiss but after a brief moment you gave in and completely melted in Namjoon's arms. Namjoon's skin felt like fire against your body. Both of you slowly part away and look at each other shyly, aware of what had just occurred.

"Does this mean we are..." You said quietly.

Namjoon let out a deep chuckle and kissed your collarbone a few times. You squeaked and playfully slapped him away.

"I wouldn't be kissing you right now.." said Namjoon playfully.

You tossed a pillow at Namjoon and darted out of the guest room and into the living room where you two wrestled around with one another. He may be your lover now but you knew that the friendship you both shared will keep you two inseparable.

With the rain wildly pouring at the starry night sky, You and Namjoon cuddled up with each other and observed the rain fall. As a new journey began for you two from tge escape of the friend-zone.

Thank you for reading~♡

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