14. Lullaby (Jimin)

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Jimin turned over slightly before he fell right back asleep. The bed slightly shook and whimpers were coming in from the room. A cold sensation loomed over your body. You shook and tossed all over.


Your feet kept running from the endless rows of trees and darkness. Your lungs begged for air and pleaded for you to take a break. You couldn't stop, your instincts told you to keep going and to not look back.

You turned back for a brief moment to see if the dark figure was gone. But you stumbled over a rock and slid across the soil. Your hand was gashed open, you busted your lip, and bruised your leg.

"Stay away!!" You yelled.

"Please...Leave me alone!!!"

Silence loomed over you. Eyes widened with fear you attempted to get up only to find yourself knocked back to the ground by fatigue. It didn't feel like a long distance that you ran. But your legs gave in too quickly. The dead leaves crouched under a pair of average sized feet. You could make up a heavy breathing over the distance with you stuck to the ground like fly paper. Your hands shook as you frantically looked for a solution. The beast looked closer over the trees cutting off any source of light. A small whimper slipped out which then turned into a blood curdling scream.

"Y/N!!!" Jimin shouted.

You jerked yourself awake and you let out another horrifying scream. Jimin's comforting hand on your shoulder caused you to flinch away. You lied down in fetal position while the tears trickled slowly. The nightmares had no end. Seeing you get this way only made Jimin hurt on the inside.

I think I may know the solution. Jimin thought.

My mom used to do this whenever I had nightmares of my own.

You swiped your thumb lightly over the trickling tears of your eyes until you went completely silent. Jimin pulled you into a tight hug and his lips touched the back of your head. He pulled you closer as he felt you stiffen under his arms.

Jimin's breath was warm against your ear as he hummed a little lullaby. The song sounded so familiar.

Just One Day.

You gave in and melted in his arms as his singing filled your mind. Entering in a state of bliss and tranquility. You turned around and gently pressed your head against Jimin's chest.

Slow and steady.

Slow and steady.

After a moment Jimin looks down to find you in a deep sleep. He tried to move away but he felt guilt in seeing how happy you looked. He gently ran his fingers through your hair and gave you one last kiss. Leaving you smiling in your sleep.

"Sleep well. Y/N," whispered Jimin.


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