21. Manager? (Jimin)

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You have worked your tail off for the last eight years in hopes of raising your current working position. Your boss was an old and greedy man. Living in his current sixties with wrinkles crumpled all over and gray eyes that made him hostile to everyone. He wore his hair slicked and always had a beautiful woman by his side "unpaid intern" is what the old man would say. He never once had the same girl into his office. All were tall, slim, and gorgeous girls. Beyond this scandal, you were told by a co-worker that your Manager's son would come to take over the office and pass on as the new manager.

You're really going to have some hormonal teenage boy running a corporation? You thought.

"The other workers tell me he's really dreamy," said your female co-worker.

She made a fan motion with her hand and let herself fall onto her seat. She gave you a scorn when she read your expression. You were never the type of girl to pick up any guy on the street. Let alone immature boys. You wanted to get a raise desperately. And you promised to let nothing get in your way.

Jung Hoseok, who was one of the most goofiest of them all peered over your work desk.

"Why so serious, darling?" said Hoseok.

You threw a pen that bounced off Hoseok's forehead and landed into your coffee mug. It read: Don't talk to me until I've had my Coffee first!!

"You brought this upon yourself!" said Hoseok.

You clenched your fist tightly around Hoseok's wadded up collar shirt and you glared. A small tap on your shoulder broke away your temper.

"Excuse me...do you know where the manager's office is?" said a young man.

His cherry red hair was neatly combed and innocence flickered off his round specs. He wore a tucked under white collar shirt with black dress pants. He wore a name tag that read: PARK JIMIN. He stood quietly and waited for your response.

"Who are you anyways, kid? Why do you need to know?" muttered Hoseok.

"I am here as the new manager, I am the son of your former boss." said Jimin kindly.

You turned your head slightly with your mouth partially open. You couldn't believe what just came out of his mouth. The boss had a kid? I wonder what he was doing then with the other ladies.

"I know this place like the back of my hand. Let me show you around...umm..Jimin," said Hoseok.

Jimin's fingers rested gently on your arm and he moved not one inch. You flinched and avoided any eye contact with Jimin.

"My dad recommended that I go with the best worker in this office." said Jimin.

He looked at you for a brief moment.

"You mean Y/N?" asked Hoseok.

"Ah, yes. Her."

You turned around and your face read annoyance.

"No more standing around. Time is money!" said Jimin with a smile.

You walked over to Jimin and paced through the rows of desks nearly lined. Phones buzzing on and off and mono toned voices echoed through the building. Coffee, energy drinks, and possibly little sleep is what drove these people to function at least to their minimal potential. The sounds were soon droned out with the office door closing. A large and brown leather chair sat beneath a large office desk with the manager tag posted on the table. Jimin sat quietly and sorted through the daily paperwork. He glanced up at you and gestured you toward a chair.

BTS ONE SHOTS!!!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang