20. Eternity (V)

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You sat motionless in the Emergency Room. Taehyung was rushed into the emergency room due to a sudden collapse. The Doctors can't predict what may have happened but test are being analysed and run through to find an immediate diagnostic. You sat quietly and prayed for it all to be just a scare. Both mother and father of Taehyung stood and worry was washed on their faces. You looked as Taehyung's mother held back tears. and father squeeze her shoulders whispering words of assurance.

The Doctor walks into the patient room calmly but his face is drawn with dread and concern. The Doctor sat quietly in a chair and looked at Taehyung's parents quietly.

"I'm afraid I have some critical news." said the Doctor.

Your knuckles went white from anxiety.

"A life threatening disease was detected in the young man's heart. And an immediate transplant is required."

Taehyung's mother fell to the floor with gut wrenching sobs. His father's face was painted with dread and was pale as the winter snow. Shock kicked in and you sat in a chair, motionless. Taehyung was the only source of joy you have ever had since you first met him. He managed to help you escape your life from drug addict parents and high school bullies. He pulled you out of the black hole that seeped away at your hopes of living. And that was about to be stripped away from you. But you looked at the Doctor and you felt a small crack of hope light through the dark situation.

"We are in need of a transplant, I'm afraid I must to do a lab exam to determine a possible donor." said the Doctor.

You come over and take Taehyung's mother by her frail hand and slowly walk her to the exam room. Taehyung's father falls behind as he talks to the doctor.

You stand by the door and look at the silver tiles of the hospital. You bite down on your lip and murmur prayers in hopes of seeing Taehyung alive. Even if it meant putting your own on the line.

Taehyung awakes to a surge of pain in his arm from the IV needle lingering in his arm. He looks to find his two parents sitting by his bed side and he smiles sheepishly.

Where's Y/N? Taehyung thought.

He sat up in the bed with his eyes frantically searching for you. He reached for the remote to call a nurse when the doctor stormed into the room.

"Good morning!!" said the Doctor cheerfully.

You still weren't here as the door shut quietly.

"Where's Y/N.." Taehyung demanded.

"I beg your pardon?" Replied the Doctor.

Taehyung pulled the Doctor by his collar and rage reflected from his eyes.

"Where is she!" Taehyung shouted.

Taehyung's father pushed the doctor aside and grabbed his son by the shoulder. He bit down on his lip and looked Taehyung in the eye.

"Y/N is in your heart," Taehyung's father said.

"She was the comparable donor. She gave her own life for you to live your own."

Taehyung's eyes widened and he ripped off the IV needle from his arm not caring if blood spilled all over the floor. He threw the bed sheets and tried to get up out of the hospital bed. He pulled at his hair and yelled your name over and over again. One of the nurses who rushed in was knocked to the floor. The others strapped Taehyung down and put him on sedatives. All that was left of Taehyung to do was sit and cry.

"At least you know that she will always be with you." said Taehyung's mother.

Taehyung didn't care whether he was alive or not. Because he already felt dead without you near him. Which would mean he would have to love again. Love someone that isn't you.


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