Levi X Reader:Part Two (Attack on Titan)

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Sunday, November 8, 2015

"I don't care." I declared stubbornly, finally speaking against him.

"This is a serious matter (Y/N)! You can be stubborn sometime else, but not right now." Levi was getting a little agitated after my blunt denial against his order.

"I've listened to you for the past six months, and I haven't even gotten a chance to kill a titan. I can take care of myself thank you very much." I huffed. 

"You literally froze the first time you saw a titan up close for the first time." he narrowed his eyes.

This was my fourth scouting expedition outside of Wall Maria, and I was itching to kill a titan, but Levi wouldn't let me. He had no faith whatsoever in my skills to actually kill a titan.

I gave him a deadly glare, one which he just shrugged off. "That was the first time! I was caught by surprise! Besides, I haven't frozen up like that for the past two expeditions! Why can't you just trust me to be able to take care of myself?" I was beyond frustrated.

He opened his mouth say something, but I didn't let him. "Save it." I said harshly, tugging at the harness of my horse.

"Because I'm done listening to you!" I turned my horse to the left, and left Levi shouting angrily in my wake.

I had no idea where I was leading my horse. I was just getting far as possible from Levi. What I was doing was probably reckless and I was basically asking for my death, but I didn't care. I was frustrated with Levi ordering me around.

Fortunately enough, Levi hadn't followed me. It was probably Erwin who prevented Levi from doing so.

I hated being left alone, because the next second I found myself wondering if Levi always prevented me from fighting and made sure I didn't get harm's way because he actually cared about me.

"What the hell?" I exclaimed, appalled by the mere thought of that. "Good for nothing idiot." I grumbled in frustration.

I scolded myself for even thinking of something like that, when I was disturbed by loud sounds of footsteps.

Immediately, I was on-guard mode. I was surrounded by three six meter titans. Any other day, I would've been slightly distressed, but I was angry. The frustration and anger from before seeped through my veins and I pulled out the swords from my gear. I sent out a wire that attached itself to the shoulder of a titan.

Quicker than that titan could react, I struck the back of his neck in fury. A wire was attached to the the second titan's neck, and I jumped on his neck, slicing it off.

The third titan was quicker than the last two, and was swiping against my wires that I attached to to his body, but I was able to knock him down as well.

I was a little winded down, the anger I held was slowly dissipating. I didn't go back, still a little annoyed.

The plains around me held no sign of titans. I regrettingly found myself starting to let down my guard. I was starting to get drowsy - result of not eating anything all day, and not sleeping, then using a lot energy to take out three titans. All the sounds around me were dulling and my eyes closed.

Loud footsteps. My eyes cracked open. A titan. I tried to wake myself up.

Crap, I thought as all the life in my body faded out for a few seconds. A few seconds were enough for the titan to grab me.

It was squeezing me. I was still a little drowsy, as my hands moved painfully slow toward my swords.

I can do this. I told myself encouragingly. My body ached as the titan squeezed me further. The impenetrable armor I always wore was getting bent horribly, hurting me even more. I felt myself getting cut by the metal.

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