Mikaela Hyakuya X Reader (Owari no Seraph)

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Mika is so drea- oH MY BFF WILL READ THIS RIP ME


"Hey, Mika!" a cheerful brown haired vampire female sat down next to the blonde.

"What do you want (Y/N) ?" he sighed, looking away.

"Why do you always talk like that me when I talk to you?" she pouted.

"Why do you care about talking to me so much? Every time you see me alone, you always come over and try talking to me. It's not like I have anyone here. Vampires are not anyone I would like to be friends with, so just stop trying." he said harshly.

"If you won't accept is vampires, who will you accept? Or enemies? The humans?" (Y/N) said, slightly mocking.

"Better than accepting you all." He grumbled.

(Y/N) huffed. "Why do you say it like you're not a part of us? It's not like you could choose if you were born human or vampire."

"Because I was born a human!" He exclaimed annoyed of her questioning.

"Ah," (Y/N) pursed her lips. "So you were the one Krul turned into a vampire?" She asked.

"Yes, I was. And you seem to know my story, so you can leave because I have no interest in befriending you." He attempted to make her go away.

She wouldn't budge from her spot. "No." She crossed her arms stubbornly. "I'm not leaving you."

"Fine!" He stood up. "I'll go!" He attempted to wall of only for (Y/N) to grab onto his hand and pull him back.

"And you're not going anywhere either." She glared at him. He looked away angrily.

"Look at me, Mika!" With her other hand she forced him to turn his face. He looked toward her reluctantly.

"Just hear me out, okay?" She said softly. "Please?" She tried when he didn't respond.

He refused to meet her eyes. "Fine, five minutes." (Y/N) internally cheered.

"Look, all I want to be is someone who'll care for you, okay? You don't have to be friends with me, you don't have to consider me as someone important. But allow me to care for you. Just that, nothing else. How about it?" She said softly.

"Why do would you want to care for me?" He asked, his voice wasn't harsh but curious.

"Uh," (Y/N) attempted to fight down the pink taking over cheeks. "Because I do! Okay? There's nothing else to it." She said unconvincingly.

"Really? That sounds hardly believable. What are your true motives?" He narrowed his eyes.

"True motives? There's nothing like that! All I want is to care for you because you have no one else. I wouldn't want you to be alone. Everyone should have someone who loves and cares for them." (Y/N) explained, and a few seconds later when she noticed that Mika was turning pink too from her last statement, she realized what she had said.

"I mean...what I meant was...was that uh, I just care for you and uhm..." her brain seemed to short circuit at a very crucial moment "And I don't love you! I just care for you!" Her face was red, giving her away.

It was obvious she was lying. The way she stuttered and her face heated up. Mika could tell. She turned her head away in embarrassment, pulling her hands away from his hand and face, making a huge space difference between them.

"It is nothing!" She insisted, knowing that she had just made it easy more obvious. She thought of ways she could get herself out of this one. Nothing. Nada. But one single thing. Why did her brain always short circuit around him? Should I...?

"(Y/N)? You know we can forget this ever happened if this troubles you that much." Mika finally said after seeing how troubled she looked.

I think I will! She thought, her mind made up.

"No..." (Y/N) started unsure. "Uh, Mika? I...have feelings for you, really strong feelings for you. Um," she stopped as she noticed his surprised look. "And...I think it was a bad idea confessing." She squeaked trying to move away from him.

"Hey, (Y/N)?" She turned around almost fearful of his rejection.

"It's okay, I think I have feelings for you as well." He admitted.

"Y-you do?" She asked in surprise.

"Yeah, I do. Every since we've known each other, you've never left me alone. You hung out with me even if I was a recluse. And I really appreciate that. Thank you, (Y/N)." He gave her a heart melting grin. "And if you'd allow it, I'd like to be able to care for you as well." Mika gave her an expectant look.

"I..uh," (Y/N) was at a loss for words. "S-sure...I don't mind."

Mika stood up and pulled her into a hug. "Thank you (Y/N), you have given me a new cherished family member."

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