Mello X Reader (Death Note)

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(Y/N) was just about descend into hysterical evil giggles, if that made any sense. She knew that she'd be really in for it when he realized. If he realized. But she couldn't help herself.

His chocolate was precious to him, but she couldn't help it. He irked her to no end, not in the usual way.

Even if he acted like a pest, she couldn't help the large space that he had taken over in her heart.

He'll never realize, she grinned as she walked faster.

He'll never know it was me.

Of course, (Y/N) being the unplanned and clumsy girl she was, she hadn't realized that she'd left way more clues for Mello to realize it was her than she thought.

Mello had just come back from a long day of investigating nonstop, and he was ready to raid his cabinet full of chocolate since the ones he's taken with him had, sadly, finished before he knew it.

Something was wrong.

Why was his room door slightly open?

He went in, nothing out of the ordinary.

Getting behind his desk, red warning bells went off.

"(Y/N)nara!" he roared angrily.

(Y/N) froze, nearly choking on her spit.

Oh, God! Oh, God! He found i=out, he found out!

Instead of running, she found herself unable to move.

Uh-oh. I'm dead.

Angry footsteps could be heard from a distance.

Coming back to her senses, (Y/N) ran for her life.

She was dead, and she knew it.

She could hear him angrily calling her from behind, demanding that she give her chocolate back.

Even if he did get his chocolate back, he'd still kill her, so it was a lose-lose situation.

What to do? What to do?? She thought desperately.

Wracking her brain for any reasonable idea that may as well work sort of, and maybe she won't get a painful death.

She had run outside and Mello's footsteps were closing in.

(Y/N) then made the worst decision of her life.

The clumsy fool turned around check just how close he was.

And she tripped. Over a rock. In the middle of nowhere.

She fell to the ground, and somehow, magically, not very unluckily. She fell against her knees, although managing to scrape them.

She turned around fearfully, and covered her face with her arms, trying to shield herself.

His footsteps were coming closer.

(Y/N) found herself very, very afraid.


She looked up against her better judgement.

He was furious.

She cowered.

"Sorry," she uttered out in fear.

He didn't show the least bit sympathy.

He pointed a gun at her.

"Give me one good reason I shouldn't kill you." He glared menacingly.

"U-uh..." (Y/N) was terrified.


Stupid! Why did I have to steal his chocolates?

"Forgive me..." she whispered. "I won't do it again." She said earnestly.

Mello stared down at the trembling girl.

Both his mind and heart screamed kill her!

But for some reason he found himself taking pity on her miserable state, and decided to let her go.

"Give me back my chocolate." he demanded.

She gave him an astonished look.

"Didn't you hear me? Give me my chocolate."

She quickly picked the chocolates in her lap and handed them over.

He snatched away the chocolate, and shot one last glare her way before stalking off.

(Y/N) sighed in relief. At least I didn't die.  

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