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Wow this subject pops up a lot in my life.....Girls my age are desperate.They will do ANYTHING to get a bf..They come to me for advice.

I'm the single friend who gives amazing advice.Not kidding.My best friends use me to their advantage.My enemies try to ask me questions,but I give them bad advice(Because I'm *Mermaid Man voice*EEEEVVVVIIILLLL!!!).

Boys aren't that hard to understand.They really aren't.I don't have a bf because I:

1.Attract horrid guys on accident

2.Am in near love with a guy who has friend zoned me badly and idk how to fix it for myself

3.Can't take my own advice

4.Am too lazy to use my own advice

That about sums it up.I have set star couples up!(though they end up breaking up for stupid reasons..)

I'll write chapters where I'll address How to handle love problems if people recommend them.Or just pm me.I can hook you up!*Wink*

But in the end here,Boys are stupid.Girls are mean.(Not all,but I'm just saying)

Everyone's better off staying away from each other!But no.That's not how we all roll.Hahahaha

But If some boys learned to tell girls how they feel,it would all be a bit better.Just thought I'd make that known.

With telling someone that you like them,it isn't that hard.It's not like they'll kill you.-_-

Jill:"Mark...I really like you."

Mark:"NO!"*Stabs Jill with a random spork*

^That's not how life works..(Unless you like a psycho.Not recommended.)

Just tell them.Some people need it spelled out.. T-E-L-L T-H-E-M!(at the right time.not in front of a billion people)

Lol so that's it.See y'all later!

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