Dreams For the Future

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My life long dreams...My only desires in this crazy,hurtful world.

One..I want more than anything to be a leader.I'd do ANYTHING.I don't understand how I'm not one!

I'm nice (that's what I've heard...)

I'm funny (also what I've been told..)

I'm determined (A fact lol)

Stubborn (EVERYONE knows that!)

Strong (...I know because of what I've been through an the fact that I'm still here in this big,crazy world.)

That'a what a leader needs,right?


Ugh!I just don't get it!I'd do ANYTHING here..


I want to get famous.Its been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember.

I even took acting classes when I was 8 and 9 years old.

When I started watching Pewdie,Smosh,Tobuscus,Jenna Marbles,etc on YouTube,I was inspired to try harder.And I will.

I'll get there someday.I know I will.


(Kind of goes along with why I want to be a leader...)

I want to feel needed.

No matter what happens...I don't get to keep that feeling...

My friends are all great.I have TONS of friends.But the problem is...The more groups of friends I have,the more I get put into the background character role...This happens with EVERY group...

My junior friends are fun.They're like family.But I feel like I have no voice there..It isn't their fault at all!It's more like mine.I won't go into the details with that one.It's all in my mind there.

My freshmen friends are tougher...I feel loved because I'm their age.When I'm with them,I feel like a missing puzzle piece that'a found it's home.But they make me feel a bit bad...Once again,it could be in my head.I have a tendency to over think things and create drama from it...But I have reasons for why I feel this way as well.

Then there are the fallen friends...Friends I've lost from problems,or them having to move away...I've lost my most precious friends this way...

My best childhood friend...

The boy I believed I loved at one point...

The girl who got me through Sophomore year...

The girl who went from enemy to best friend in just two years.(She showed up in the middle of 8th grade and left in the middle of Sophomore year.I miss her so much!:'(. )

And sometimes...I consider my own little brother a fallen friend.(Details will probably be in another chappy...)

Those were the people who made me feel like I belonged... They all made this train wreck worth getting through.But things change...I miss them all so much,but it happens.I just have to wipe the tears away and walk on.

Those are my only dreams..If I had a genie,those are my wishes.My only desires.

Catch ya later

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