Wolf RP on Wattpad

352 8 2

I love being a wolf!Its awesome!!

There are a lot of pros and cons..


A pack is a family

There are a TON of wolves to talk to

Rp is cool ^_^


Finding a mate SUCKS when you're a girl -_-'

No one's EVER on anymore(it seems like it at least)

Sometimes,people ignore you of you're a lower rank than they are

I have a great pack(@LunarTidePack) They're funny and so sweet!We're a family for sure!!But finding a mate on here is HARD!Here's how it goes...

A male wolf will get on here and start out without a mate..I have yet to come in contact with a mateless male who /isn't/ getting mauled by flirting female wolves in search of a lonely male.Its horrible!

When I got my first mate,I had to go pick him when he wasn't a wolf and ask him to join the rp.Free males are so rare!!

The chances of me finding a free male are almost none.I have honestly given up hope.That's why this rp makes me feel 5X as lonely.That's a major con.

But with all the wolves on here,there's always someone to message.(and start fights with muahahaha*Evil strikes again!!*)

But I have noticed that a lot of them are inactive or hardly on.I hate that.

A message to them:


It just annoys me..A LOT!Lol

And finally,the fact that I've been ignored a lot as well...I'll get on a high alphas page to say hello or deliver new and they'll just ignore me..That makes me feel AS USEFUL AS A WHITE CRAYON!!Ugh that's annoying.I want to slap them with a jackhammer for that!Gosh.

So anyways..Yeah.Another rant from the Teenage Drama Queen!^_^ Catch ya later!

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