My Best Memory

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Here it is.....:

We both sat in the recliner in his room.Jake's room was huge,at least 3 times the size of mine.There was a lot of blue-the walls,the ceiling fan,and a lot of his decorations.We were originally playing his GameCube,but we always got much too distracted to do anything.

"I don't want to go."He smiled weakly and played with my hair.

"I know,babe.But you have to go see your family.I know they're far away,but it'll only be a week."

"But I don't even like them..."he frowned."I'll miss you so much."

I sat up on top of him,facing him."I have an idea then."

"What?"I barely heard him ask that,due to the fact that his beautiful,green eyes took me away every time I happened to make contact with them.It was like another world;a world where I felt safe from myself.

"Here."I bent down and started kissing his neck and slowly moving up his face,trailing small kisses the whole way.

"What are you doing?"

I sat back up and cupped his face in my hands,"I'm kissing you as much as I can now to make up for all the times I can't while you're gone."I smiled and he smiled back,melting me from the inside.I went back to kissing him until I finally made it to his mouth.We shared the last kiss we'd have for almost 2 weeks.A kiss that I look back on and smile every time.

I love him~

Catch ya later <3

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