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Looking back,I was an incredibly happy child.Seeing things now,I often leave this world in a deep daydream to escape back to those times.To others,I'm staring off into space.To me,I'm trying my hardest to go back;to escape this hell we all call reality.

One Summer's Day is a song I can relate to,even if it has no words.It starts out so innocent...Then,it is clouded with worry and confusion.That explains my life so well.

Why does EVERYTHING I do pertain to my childhood in some way?Simple...I'd give the rest of my life up just to relive my childhood one more time.That's just how serious I am.

I don't even want to fall in love.I just want my childhood friend back.I just want those years back that I lost when I was forced to grow up.I just want to be a kid again.

This enters my mind so quickly because of a terrible dream I had last night...I was looking into a mirror;staring at the child form of myself.She was crying.I felt horrible,but there was nothing to do.She tried speaking to me,but no sound came out.I watched her begin to scream silently.The background behind her faded as she screamed.She drew back to hit the glass.As it smashed to pieces,I woke up.I'm still terrified.

I wanted to help her.Dear Akira's interpretation is that the childhood me would be upset with the present me.It makes perfect sense.She'd hate that I hurt myself...

Whatever.Catch y'all later,Ducks.

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