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"Someone dared me to kiss him tonight!"


"Yes!It's happening!"

"Listen closely.Do it,and I won't speak to you again."I turned and looked at my close friend seriously.

"You mean...Forever...?"She became serious and her tone became sad.

"Maybe.We'll see.Not a good idea to test that though..."I turned from her and kept walking.

"But you almost did!"She stopped and yelled at me.That brought the slow,deep ache back into my system.The memories flooded in like a dam had collapsed from pressure.

"I...Did not."I turned around to face her.I could hardly hide the hurt in my eyes.

"Yes you did...Think back."She turned and walked back triumphantly.She saw that I was wounded.

"I won't speak...Please don't."I couldn't speak without the hurt tainting my voice like blood in clear water.She must not have heard me,because she just continued to walk away.

That's the last time I saw her before she really betrayed me.She /really/ stabbed me in the back this time...The guy she spoke of was the same guy I had been into for two years before.I stopped liking him once he asked me for bad pictures..But the pain and empty void he left me with has nearly impossible to fill.

I had convinced myself that I was in love with him before.I now know that I was wrong,but at that time,I was so alone.He made me feel incredible.We stayed up every night talking.We made a lot of promises that weren't kept.Everyone around us thought we were together.He was my best friend.

Though,my friends and family disagreed with this.He was,and still is,a bad person.He's scum.He's a rotten apple.And I'm known as a ripe apple.So is my friend that had spoken to me only hours ago...

When she told me she was going to kiss him,I knew immediately that it wouldn't end just there..It would get worse.She's exactly like me.That's the problem.She won't stop until her heart is as broken as mine is and was..Or until he gets her pregnant and leaves her.

That's what'll happen.I tried.You CAN'T call me a bad friend.I just refuse to just stand around and watch this happen to her.I already saw it happen to myself...

She'll learn..One way,or another.I was trying to be a good friend.I've ALWAYS told her how bad he is.She doesn't listen.

So to her...Have a good life.Maybe I'll come back into it someday..Just not until you get it back together.

Catch ya later

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