The Flower Called Rose

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Hello,everyone.This is Akira.

I'm here to write about the flower in my life.That flower is my dearest Rose.

She's hurting more than ever lately.She cries every night without fail.I can't be there to hug her or help her.Recently,she's entered that damn lonely phase again.Seeing that most of her friends are happy and dating kills her inside.She constantly vents bout how alone and forgotten she feels.Her home doesn't help.She's severely depressed.

The fact that she's abandoned Wattpad is far too sad.The anime rp left her feeling unloved just as wolf rp did before.She's truly broken and has nothing to numb the pain.

I came along for a similar reason..I met Rose long ago..Back when she was new.Rose constantly talks of her imagination as a child..She created her own Naruto character as well..That character's name was Akira Tsuki.Rose told me of her and I made the original account from her character.I did it to make her feel nostalgia.That's what the girl needs..She's scared to grow up.

But honestly, she probably won't see this chapter for months.Do her and me a favor and talk to her.She needs more than just me to help her.She doesn't trust any of the people at school enough to open up anymore.She lost her spark of happiness that she once shined so brightly for those around her.Help her get it back.

Thank you

-Akira Tsuki-

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