Serious Time!

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So here'a a serious question to everyone who is in a relationship or whatever.

Do you ever ask yourselves what happens to the sidekick when the hero goes off and falls in love?I do..I'm the lonely sidekick.

I'm a sidekick to every friend of mine.I can't help it.It sucks..

But that doesn't bother me as much as the loneliness..

I'm usually fine until my friends get involved with a guy..Then I get jealous and naturally feel like someone smashed my heart into chunks with a whale's spine..

I just feel like....crap!

I may not be pretty enough..Maybe not smart enough..or nice..

But I can't be /that/ bad..I hope..:(

I don't know..I can give advice,but I can't cure this..I just hate the way I am.I hate everything about the way I am..

But it's whatever.I'm pretty much the female version of Brian from The Breakfast Club.[Insert Forever Alone Meme Here]

Whatever,guys..I'm feeling extra lonely lately...I'll catch ya later...I guess...:(

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