Boys are STUPID-_-

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They all take advantage of meeee....

No joke!It isn't because I act all dorky around them..It's because of other things..(You guys haven't really seen all of me (AND YOU PROBABLY NEVER WILL)So you don't know what I mean.)

But anywho..Guys have even come out and said why they do these things to me..(I can't say it.I'm to embarrassed >.<)

But it's fine.I'm getting picket with guys..Only a few things appeal to me with guys now..

1.MUST have a GREAT sense of humor(I like to make people laugh.I also love to laugh myself,so I want him to be able to make me.)

2.At least puts up with my music(If he has a passionate hatred for Fallout Boy,Linkin Park,Bowling For Soup,The Fray,and/or All American Rejects...I'll be running at him with a flamethrower and a battle axe(Because my violence will solve it:3))

3.Romantic(I LIKE THAT!)

4.Makes me feel good and puts up with my arrogance(I'be become extremely arrogant over this summer and I need a guy who can handle it..It's a long story about all that..Maybe I'll make a chappy later or something.)

5.Speaks another language(OH MY GOSH ;D I don't mean French,or Spanish,(not my cups of tea:/) I mean Japanese,Russian,or something just...Different.I come from many French and I hear Spanish a lot..(My mom's nearly fluent as her second language!)I like new stuff(And it sounds AMAZING!:3))

6.Plays hard to get(This is SO HOT TO ME!I HATE when guys get desperate.It'a annoying..I LOVE something I can't have!)

7.Will be macho(A guy who doesn't cry.A guy who'll take a physical beating for what he believes in.A guy who is strong.That's awesome!!!<3)

So I'll NEVER find a guy who fits all that stuff above...But I'll never let these other guys take advantage of me..No matter how much it sucks.They're morons.

Catch ya later:)

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