Zimmerman Case.Innocent!!:D

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So I'm freaking out haha..

My opinion is clear here...I'm happy Zimmerman was found innocent.


Self defense.If my dad was out doing his job(being a superhero and such;D ) and some jerk decided to try to hurt him and take him away from me....I hope my dad can take him down and not have to be put in court for trying to stay alive.

Instagram doesn't agree...

I keep getting threatened,cussed at,and being called racist because of how I feel...

Doesn't make sense!

I don't go and do that to those who hate Zimmerman!

No.I am civil.I just want to discuss things in a civil manner,rather than be threatened and stuff..

Come on,guys!

But seriously...Why blame me for believing how I believe?I don't do that to ANYONE!At least,I try not to!And if I do,may I be cursed with a lifetime of regret and pain.

I'm not saying I'm glad Trayvon got killed!In fact,I hate it that he died so young!He was only two years older than me...But mourning him and seeing what's right are two TOTALLY DIFFERENT things,in my opinion.

As for the racist thing...I am MOST CERTAINLY NOT racist in ANY WAY!I believe we're all like eggs...No matter what color the shells are,we all have the same thing inside.(Nasty innards:P Just kidding lol)

I just don't understand why we have to freak out when someone has a different opinion...I guess that'a just how the world is....Sad.

RIP Trayvon Martin

Glad George Zimmerman is a free man.I just hate how horrible people are being about this...

Catch ya later!(Unless one of the people from Instagram comes and hurts me like they apparently want to:/ )

P.s. Wattpadians,please don't hate me for how I feel!I wuv you all:3 I'm just in the minority that are happy Zimmerman's a free man and I know the facts.Please don't kill me!!!

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