To:Those Who Are Reading This

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I seriously hope that whoever I am referring to in these chappies reads this and has no freaking idea I am talking about them to their faces.I really do.

That's like..

*Girl in front of me stands there,completely oblivious to the fact that I am slapping her with a chair to her face*

That's how it works in my head:3

That's why this is therapeutic:P

Who need therapy or depression pills when I can insult people with humor and my opinion!

They could be reading this right now....0.0

*Waves*Hello,person I can't stand!!!!:D

Anywho...I can think of just a few people on here that just about deserve me broadcasting a message telling them to read their chappie.

Lol I'd be reported soooooo many times xD

All because these people are stupid.And mean :O

Not all of you are like this..Some of you just come to see how strange and epic I am:P Jk but really not all of you are stupid!Just the morons!!

So that's about it.Just gloating about the fact I'm insulting people here...Catch ya later xD.

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