We Are the Strong Ones

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You don't see it how we do...

You call us emo...

You call us fakers...

You call us dramatic...

...You're pretty stupid,aren't you?

We're stronger than you by AT LEAST three times...

If you're like me, you've been bullied to the point of self hatred and self harm.

There were nights that I laid in bed wondering how long it would be before I ended my own life.I hated myself because of what others did to me...They did HORRID things to me.

But I'm not the only one.No..

There are millions of us.Millions of people who've been hurt,bullied,hated,tortured,and much worse.

I'm so proud of those of us who're still here.

For those who left this world...I respect you.I understand why you left.

...Just stay strong...

It may seem like there's no light at the end of the tunnel,but it's there

If you're depressed because you're lonely...

There's someone out there for you.I promise.Everything will be okay.

If you're being bullied as badly as I have been...

You just need to show them how weird and awesome you are.They only mess with you because they're jealous and they're immature.

If it's your family....

...I understand...

Just hold on

Don't slip away.Please.

I didn't.Life's amazing now!Totally different than it was back then!

If I had actually done what I thought about doing.....I wouldn't know how good life can be....

"We're all perfect.We're all just different kinds of perfect!" ~Me:)

Catch ya later.(And thank you for being strong:) I'm proud of you!!!)

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